Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Smith, Cecil Harcourt; British Museum <London> [Hrsg.]
Catalogue of the Greek and Etruscan Vases in the British Museum (Band 3): Vases of the finest period — London, 1896

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E 727. ASKOS. Ht. 2§ in. Nola. Blacas Coll. Drawing of good period, but somewhat

careless. Eye in profile.

(a) Eros, a youth with long hair flying in a horizontal position to r.; his
hands touch the ground as if his weight were resting on them.
(ff) The same; here his hair is short and wavy.

* 728. ASKOS. Old No. 957. Ht. 2| in. Towneley Coll. Wants the lip. Drawing of good

period, but slight. Eye in profile.

(a) An ephebos closely draped in a mantle, seated on a diphros (?) to 1.
In the field on the r., a pair of shoes as in E 729 (b).

(b) The same, to r. ; on the r. in the field a sponge, aryballos and strigil,
hanging together.

On the foot a character A, painted in varnish colour.

Fig. 27 = E 726.

E 729. ASKOS. Ht. 2| in. Nola.' Temple Coll. Drawing rough. Eye in profile.

(a) An ephebos with a mantle around his r. arms and legs, reclining to r.
against a striped cushion ; his r. hand is placed on his thigh, and he looks round
to 1. so that his back is towards the spectator and the lower part of his face is
hidden behind his 1. shoulder. In the field hangs a purse (?).

(b) The same ; two shoes (?) hanging in the field, one in perspective.

E 730. ASKOS. Old No. 998. Ht. i\-in. 1847. Drawing of good period. Brown inner

markings. Eye in profile.

(a) A youth, in sandals laced up the calf, advancing cautiously to r., grasp-
ing a short club in his r., his 1. arm covered with a chlamys advanced as a
shield, towards

(b) A lion couchant and about to spring to 1. The mane is indicated by
black dots.
