Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Smith, Cecil Harcourt; British Museum <London> [Editor]
Catalogue of the Greek and Etruscan Vases in the British Museum (Band 3): Vases of the finest period — London, 1896

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E 815. KYLIX. Ht 4I in. Diam. 12 in. Vulci. Canino Coll., afterwards in Blacas Coll.

Mus. Etr. 1303; Cat. Etr. 17; Klein, Meistersig? p, 93, no. 14. Much broken, but nothing
important in designs lost. The exterior has suffered on the 1. of (a) from fire. Beneath each
handle is a large ivy-leaf, red on black. Brown inner marking's in interior, not in exterior.
Sketch-marks throughout.

Interior, within thin red circle : A nude woman (hair looped up with purple
band, earrings), body to front, head to r., holds in either hand a phallos.
Around her r. thigh is a circlet (cncvTipr) eiriKovpia, cf. Ar. Lysistr. 109). On r.,
PANc|>AIO$ ; on L, EPOIEJEN, Hdv<f>aio<; eirot-qtrev.

Exterior (a): On 1. a bearded man in a pilos and short chiton (Hermes P)
sits on a rock playing on a chelys with a plectrum attached by a cord. Before
him, four bulls to 1., the second of which turns its head towards him. Above,
imitations of inscriptions, apparently travestied from the inscription on the

(/;) Dance of three Meenads and three Seileni. (i from 1.) Seilenos,
ithyphallic, holding in each hand a keras, looking round to r. (ii) Maenad
(long chiton, hair looped up with purple band), castanets in r., swinging thyrsos
in 1., looking round to 1. (iii) Seilenos (ithyphallic) to 1., r. foot raised, clapping
his hands; (iv) Msenad to r., dressed as (ii), thyrsos in 1., castanets in r. She
is approached by (v), an old Seilenos with bald wrinkled forehead and heavy
eyebrows, who holds a thyrsos in r. and extends 1. towards her (his face is
partly worn away), (vi) Msenad, as before, dancing to r., body thrown back.

[The treatment of the drapery corresponds with that of E 12, the lower part having thick
heavy folds, the upper part left without inner markings. The hair of the Seileni falls in single
locks, which curl at the ends.]

E 816. KYLIX. Ht. 33 in. Diam. 8| in. Cf. Mus. Etr. 1510. Perhaps this is the vase

referred to in Klein, Licblingsinschr. p. 40, no. 16 ; C. I. Gr. 7841. The style is exactly similar
to that figured in Klein, loc. cit. p. 43. Purple is used for wreath, fillet, cords of basket, and
inscriptions ; outline of hair incised ; inner markings in light brown ; eye of archaic form.

Interior. Within a thin red circle (diam. 6-J- in.) a bearded, wreathed man
with wrinkled face and an hetaera. Over the man, VEAApoj ; over the woman,
KAVOJ, Aeaypo? KaXos.

E 817. KYLIX. Ht. 2j in. Diam. 7} in. Witt Coll., 47(53). Pourtales Coll., 1865 (Cat. 172).

Style of Epictctos. Purple used for wreath and inscription : no inner markings. Eye of
archaic type, with eyeball as dotted circle.

Interior: Within a thin red circle, a wreathed ithyphallic Seilenos kneeling
to r. on a cushion, which rests on the border of the design, with a large open