Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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necklace, bracelets; long girt chiton with radiated border ; between her and the
Satyr is a cluster of grapes.

(b) In the centre is Nike to r., with hair in knot and long girt chiton
leaving r. shoulder bare, extending both hands to an ephebos wrapped in
himation, who advances r. hand to meet hers ; behind Nike is a similar ephebos
with r. hand extended.

BELL-CRATER. Ht. 13 in. Diam. 13-J- in. Telos, 1859. Designs red on black
ground, with white accessories ; very coarse. Above, laurel-wreath ; below, maeander and

(a) Three Maenads moving to r. ; the first has a white radiated fillet, and is
wrapped in a himation ; the second has a white radiated fillet wound round her
hair, which is gathered in a bunch behind, himation over 1. shoulder, white
shoes, r. hand raised, tympanon in 1. ; the third similar, but no tympanon.
They are preceded by a youthful Satyr with a radiated white fillet, panther's
skin over I. arm, and white taenia held up in r. hand. The flesh of the second
and third Maenads is painted white, with yellow markings.

(b) Three ephebi conversing, wrapped in himatia, the centre one to r, ; the
one on the 1. has a strigil, the centre one a ball on which is a cross.

BELL-CRATER. Ht. 10J in. Diam. n{-in. Telos, 1859. Designs red on black
ground, with white accessories ; very coarse, especially the reverse. Above the designs, laurel-
wreath ; below each, maeander.

id) Contest of two Amazons with Gryphon: On the 1. is an Amazon
to r. with white kidaris, long girt chiton with black bars on the front, and
spotted anaxyrides, thrusting her spear into the Gryphon, which is painted white,
with wings addorsed, and rushes on the other Amazon (as the first), who retreats
to r., turning back to thrust with spear.

(b) Two epliebi confronted, in himatia ; the one on the 1. holds out a ball.

BELL-CRATER. Ht. 14J in. Diam. 14J in. Telos, 1859. Designs red on black
ground, with white accessories ; very coarse. Above the designs, laurel-wreath; below,
maeander and chequer ; below the handles, palmettos.

(d) Dionysiac group: In the centre is Dionysos, bearded, with white
fillet, himation over lower limbs, and thyrsos in r. hand, reclining to 1. on a
couch, with 1. hand resting on two white cushions ; along the top of the couch
is a wave-pattern. At the end of the couch, with r. arm on his 1. shoulder, sits a
Maenad with hair gathered in an opisthosphendonc, necklace, long girt chiton,
flesh painted white. At the other end stands a Maenad in long white chiton
and himation with chevron-border over r. shoulder, holding out a rhyton in r.
hand and phiale in 1. ; behind her advances a youthful Satyr with wreath and
fawn-skin over 1. arm, playing the double flute. By the side of the couch is a
Satyr seated on the ground to r., looking back with face upturned, 1. arm resting
on a cushion ; he wears a wreath. Above are three bunches of grapes, and
on the r, the top of a Doric column ; below the couch is a plant.