Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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of white and yellow. Above each, laurel-wreath ; under the handles, palmettos ; below, all
round, maeandcr.

(a) Female figure moving to v., with hair in a bunch, open cap, beaded
fillet, earrings, double necklace, bracelets, long girt chiton with a stripe down
the side, and white sandals ; in r. hand she holds a pyxis ornamented with a
cross patee, in 1. a wreath from which hangs a white taenia ; behind her is a
rosette, in front a laurel-shrub. Before her is a youth moving to r., looking
back, with fillet ornamented with flowers, and drapery over his arms, holding
out in r. hand a pliiale full of flowers, in 1. a laurel-branch ; between his feet is a
flower. The ground-lines are indicated.

(/;) Two cpJiebi confronted, with bordered himatia over 1. shoulders, and
sandals ; the one on the r. has a staff, the other a wreath ; above, haiteres ;
below, a flute-case (?), as on F 319.

AMPHORA. Old No. 1261. Ht. 23}- in. In Pacilco Coll. at Naples in 1813 ; later in
that of Braun (?). Millingcn-Reinach, Peintures, pi. 25, p. 105 ; El. Ccr. i. pi. 27 ; Hockh, Kre/a,
i. pi. 3, p. 97 ; Duruy, History of Greece, i. p. 353 ; Oarcmberg and Saglio, ii. p. 863 ; Jahn,
Entfuhrung d. Europa, p. 9; Stephani, Comptc-Rcndu, 1863, p. 136, note 3, and 1866, p. 108,
no. 15, p. 122, no. iS; Ovcrbcck, Kuitstmytli. {Zeus), p. 438, no. 19; Welcker, Ueher cine
Kretischc Colonic in Theben, p. 8 ; Bull. dclP Inst. 1S44, p. 94. Slightly restored. Designs
red on black ground. Above, each side, palmettes and tongue-pattern ; below, macander
end crosses. Shape as Vol. II. Fig. 5.

(a) Rape of Europa : In the centre is Europa riding on the bull to 1.
through the sea, with curly hair, necklace, long girt embroidered chiton with
looped-up sleeves, and himation floating behind ; her r. hand is laid on the
bull's head, her 1. on his back. In front of her is a dolphin to 1. (mostly
repainted); below, a fish to r. (perhaps the pelamys), a lobster to 1., and a
cuttle-fish to r. ; below, the bottom of the sea is indicated by rocks, on which
are three ecJiini and seaweed. Behind Europa is Eros flying, holding out
a taenia with crenelle pattern ; below him is a bearded male figure to 1.
(probably Phoenix or Agenor), with laurel-wreath, bordered embroidered
himation over lower limbs, endromides, and staff in r. hand.

[Cf. also Stephani, Compte-Rcndu, 1866, p. 148 ff., and 1870, p. 181 ((.]

{b) Four nude beardless athletes, confronted in pairs ; the two standing to
r. have strigils in their 1. hands ; the one on the extreme r. has r. hand raised.
Under each handle is a tree.

HYDRIA. Ht. 14I in. From Anzi, Basilicata. Temple Coll., 1856, K. F. Hermann,
Perseus u. Andromeda, p. 9; Arch. Zcit. 1S48, p. 246; Feddc, dc Pcrs. ct Androin. p. 54 ;
Vogel, Scencn Eurip. Tragod. p. 42 ; Ann. dell' dust. 1872, p. no. Scraped and repaired.
Design red on black ground. Shape as Vol. III. Fig. 4. Round the lip, egg-moulding; on
the neck, laurel-wreath ; below the design, macander and crosses.

Perseus at the court of Kepheus (cf. E 169) : On the r. is Kepheus seated Plate VII
°n an embroidered cushion above the level of the ground, his feet resting on a
four-legged stool which stands on a base ornamented with laurel-wreath and