Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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APULIAN STYLE (F 269-477 ; see p. 20).

P 269. CRATER. Old No. 1433. Ht. 14-J in. Diam. 13J- in. From Bari. Mastrilli and

Hamilton Colls. Passeri, Pict. Etr. iii. 255 ; D'Hancarville, iii. pi. 108; El. Cdr. i. pi. 36;
Millin, Gal. Myth. xiii. 48 ( = Guignaut, 142, 275) ; Miiller-Wieseler, Denkm. d. a. Kunst, ii. 18,
195 ; Wieseler, Theatergeb&ude, pi. 9, fig. 14, p. 61 ff. ; Geppert, Altgr. Biihne, pi. 3, fig. 2 ;
Schreiber-Anderson, Atlas of Class. Antiquities, pi. 5, fig. 13 ; Mazochi, Tabulae Heradeenses,
P- !37 ; Jahrbuch,\. (1886), p. 290; Bull, dell' Just. 1850, p. 10; Panofka, Ant. Weihgesch.
pi. ii. fig. 7 (Hephaestos) ; Baumeister, p. 1752 ; Haigh, Attic Theatre, p. 148 ; Visconti,
Mus. Pio-Clem. iii. p. 14; Arch. Zeit. 1853, p. 167 ; Welcker, Gr. Gbtterlehre, ii. p. 689;
Lorenz, Epicharmos, p. 24 ; Grysar, De Doriensium Conioedia, pp. 45, 73, 237 ; Midler,
Handbuch, § 367, 3 ; Jahrbuch filr Class. Phil. Suppl.-Bd. xv. p. 197 ; Ovcrbeck, Kunstmyth.
{Herd), p. 141 ; Heydemann, Humor. Vasenb. p. io, note 37 ; Roscher, i. p. 2054 ; Kretschmer,
Gr. Vaseninschr. p. 214; C. I. Gr. 8351. Designs red on black ground, with white (and
modern green) accessories ; reverse rather worn. Shape as Vol. III. Fig. 9. Above the
designs, laurel-wreath ; below, (a) a pattern of volutes, (b) a band of phialae, and dots.

(a) Scene from a comedy or burlesque; the contest of Ares and
Hephaestos in the presence of Hera: The contest is represented as taking
place on a stage, on the front of which hang two wreaths ; it is approached by
a stair of six steps. In the centre is Hera seated half-turned to 1., looking
to r., in a chair with a row of palmettes along the top of the back-rail, carved
legs, and arm-rests with Ionic caps (perhaps representing the golden throne of
Iliad xiv. 238) : her feet rest on a footstool. She has long hair, stepliane,
bracelets, long transparent chiton with looped-up sleeves, bordered himation
over her knees, sandals, and lotos-sceptre in r. hand ; above her is incised :
i-HPA, r'Rpa. On the 1. is Hephaestos, wearing cap apparently made of basket-
work and surmounted by a sprig, short chiton padded in front, under-garment
with sleeves and anaxyrides tied at the knees, shoes, and shield on 1. arm,
hurling spear with r. hand ; he wears a mask with snub nose and protruding
lips ; above him is incised : AAIAAAOX, Aai'SaXo? (cf. Eur. Here. Fur. 471, and
Pind. Nem. iv. 95). On the r. is Ares, with curls, helmet with crest and two
plumes, short girt chiton, padded stomach and phallos, anaxyrides tied at knees,
greaves, sandals, shield on 1. arm with modern device of a star-fish encircled by
tendrils ; he moves away, turning back to thrust with his spear ; above him is
incised : ENEYAAIOZ, 'EvevaXios. A thong or cord is twisted round the butt-end
of the spear. Above hangs a mirror, and on the r. side of it a phiale and a
bucranion with chaplet (cf. F 66) ; on the 1., a bucranion and a pomegranate.

(b) Offerings at a stele: On the 1. is a female figure to r., with hair
gathered under a cap radiated in front and open behind, bracelets, long girt
chiton fastened with fibula on r. shoulder, and thyrsos in r. hand ; in 1. she
holds out a.pyxis full of flowers and sprigs to a youthful male figure confronting
her. He wears a fillet, and holds a large branch in 1. hand and a wreath in r.,