Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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r. he holds out a.phiati, which a female figure on the 1. fills from a whiteprncho'ds.

Her hair is tied in a bunch, and she wears radiated open cap, necklace, bracelets,
long chiton with apoptygma, and white shoes ; her 1. foot rests on a rock. She
holds a situla in 1. hand, on which are painted in white and yellow three human
figures ; out of it springs a long branch, from the end of which hangs a white
taenia. On the r. is a youth (his figure mostly obliterated), with chlamys over
1. arm and staff in 1. hand, offering three white taeniae to Dionysos ; he stands
on an eminence. Out of the ground grow three flowers, and behind Dionysos
is a large cylindrical cista with three feet and two side-handles. Above these
figures is Eros, with hair gathered under a close cap and escaping behind,
necklace, anklet on 1. leg, and drapery beneath him ; he is seated to 1. on raised
ground (indicated by white dots), looking back and holding in 1. hand a situla ;
this part of the vase is much injured. In the field on the 1. are a white taenia
and two flowers ; on the r., leaves ; ground-lines of white dots.

F 271. CRATER with stand. Old No. 1434. Ht. 23 in. Diam. 20^ in. Ht. of stand, 5^ in.

From Ruvo. Steuart Coll. Mon. dell' Inst. v. pis. 22, 23 ; Ann. deW Inst. 1850, p. 330, and
1872, p. 249 ; Engelmann and Anderson, Pictorial Atlas to Homer {Iliad), pi. vii. fig. 32
(obverse) : Melanges d'Arch. 1881, p. 360 ; Arch. Zeit. 1846, p. 253, 1853, p. 41, 1872, p. 67,
and 1873, p. 85 ; Vogel, Scenen Eurip. Tragod. p. 130 ; Baumeister, p. 837 ; J. H. S. xi. p. 228 ;
Rosenberg, Die Erinyen, p. 67 ; Korte, Personifik. psychol. Affekle, p. 24. Repaired and
restored. Designs black on white ground, with accessories of white and yellow. Large style,
in the manner of F 157. Above the designs, a pattern of palmettes ; below, the vase is ribbed.
The stand has egg-and-dart pattern on the upper part, and an ivy-wreath below ; the part
between is fluted.

(a) Lyeurgos destroying his family : Composition in two rows, divided
by a line of white dots. In the centre, on the lower level, is Lyeurgos to front,
turning half to L, with shaggy hair, beard, and moustache, cap made of the skin
of a panther's head, bordered chlamys fastened with a fibula in front, endromides
with tops turned over and laced up the front, and sword at side ; the hair on
the breast and abdomen is indicated. In r. hand he brandishes a double-
edged axe, and with 1. he seizes his wife by the hair ; she has fallen on the
ground with face to front and 1. leg doubled under her. She has dishevelled
hair, double necklace, bracelets, long girt chiton fastened with studs on the r.
shoulder, embroidered himation over lower limbs, and white sandals ; both
hands are raised to thrust away Lyeurgos' arm ; blood flows from a wound in
1. breast. On the 1. is a youth to r., with dishevelled hair, slight whiskers,
bordered chlamys on 1. arm, white endromides, sword with belt, 1. hand raised as
if upbraiding Lyeurgos, r. at back of head, with gesture of despair. Behind
him advances a paidagogos, with white hair and beard, wrinkled face, short
bordered chiton with a stripe down the side and belt with white studs, beneath
which appear the sleeves of a jerkin ornamented with lozenge-pattern and white
dots, bordered chlamys over 1. arm, fastened with a fibula in front, and
endromides as above, in r. hand a crooked staff; he points with two fingers of r.
hand. On the r. are a male and female figure carrying off" one of Lyeurgos' dead