Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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F 539. KYLIX. Ht. 2f in. Diam. 8| in. Blacas Coll., 1867. Design painted in opaque red

on black ground, with incised lines ; round it an ivy wreath painted in white and yellow.
Shape as Vol. III. Fig. 3. On the outside is a wreath in white and yellow.

Interior: Female figure moving to r., looking back, with hair in a knot,
fillet wound three times round the head, earrings, necklace, bracelets, long girt
chiton and apoptygma with stripe down the front, and sandals ; in r. hand a
taenia, in 1. a phiale with fruit and a taenia. On one side a plant, on the other
a tendril; ground-lines indicated ; below, a band of chevrons.

F 540. KYLIX. Old No. 1628. Ht. 4 in. Diam. io| in. Towneley Coll. Designs painted

in red on black ground, with a few incised lines ; rather worn. Under each handle, a palmette
and tendrils.

Interior, in a medallion with border of vertical lines and crosses : Horse
to 1., with bridle.

Exterior, on either side : Two draped female (?) figures confronted ; very

F 541. KYLIX. Old No. 989. Ht. 4I in. Diam. 9J in. 1842. Northampton Coll. Designs

painted in red and white on black ground, with incised lines. Probably of Etruscan make.

Interior, in a medallion with border of maeander and crosses : Pegasos
springing up to L, painted white, with head-stall, bridle, and two collars from
which hang bullae (cf. F484); below is a bearded head looking up to 1., painted

Exterior, on either side : Two ephebi confronted, with fillets, wrapped in
himatia ; between them is another to 1., with palm-branch in r. hand and
strigil in 1.

F 542. PHIALE. Old No. 167S. Ht. 2 in. Diam. 7-} in. Blayds and Pizzati Colls. Presented

by Chambers Hall, Esq., 1855. Arch. Zeit. 1870, pi. 28, p. 9 ; Rayet and Collignon, Hist. Ce"r.
Grecque, pp. 335, 338 ; Murray, Handbook of Gk. Archaology, p. 107. Design red on black
ground, the high lights picked out with white, the shadows rendered by hatched lines ; care-
fully executed, in the style of a fresco-painting (see pp. 5, 9, 22). Shape as.F 131.

In a medallion, with border of arabesques: Youthful figure, perhaps
Ganymede, seated on a rock to r., looking up to 1., with drapery under him,
and two spears in r. hand ; he bends forward with 1. elbow on knee, resting
head on 1. hand, r. arm on r. knee, and legs crossed. Behind him is a hound
to 1., looking up to r., wearing a collar.

[Cf. the figure of Paris in F 167 ; also Visconti, Mus. Pio-Clem. iv. pi. i6«.]