Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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F 581. LEKYTHOS. Ht. 6} in. >Blacas Coll., 1867. Design white and yellow on black

ground ; much worn.

Female head to 1., white with yellow markings, with close embroidered
cap and necklace ; on either side, tendrils.


F 583.



VASE without handle. Old No. C. 90. Ht. 5! in.
Cyrenaica. Werry, 1856. Design white and yellow on
black ground. On the shoulder, rays and dots.

Swan to r., with wings spread, standing
on the edge of a flower ; on either side are
flowers and tendrils ; the swan is painted
white, with yellow beak and legs, and mark-
ings on the wings.

ASKOS (?). Ht. 4|- in. From Ruvo. Temple
Coll., 1856. Cover lost (?). Design white and yellow
on black ground. At one end of the handle, which
is over the top, is a female mask ; at the other, a
lion's head forming a spout.

On the body, round the top, a wreath ;
below, two wreaths diagonally crossed
between two vertically placed, and two

ASKOS. Old No. 1735. Ht. S-Jin. From the
Basilicata. Durand Coll. 1194. Shape as F 414.
Design white, purple, brown, and yellow, on black
ground. On the neck, egg-moulding, a band painted
alternately purple and white, and a row of pendants ;
below the design, wave-pattern.

In front, head of Nik£ (?) to r., painted
white with yellow markings, with curly hair
tied in a bunch, open embroidered cap,
stepliane of purple lotos-flowers, and wings
behind, rising out of purple drapery (?), on
which a white bird is perched before her ;
on either side is a vine with brown leaves ;
above, a rosette.

F 570'

ASKOS. Old No. 1736. Ht. 7£- in. From the Basilicata. Durand Coll. 904. Shape
as last vase. Design white, purple and yellow on black ground. Ornaments on neck as last.;

On the neck, a female head in relief, white with yellow markings, and
yellow hair gathered on the top of the head. In front, a swan to ]., with wings
addorsed, pluming itself, white with yellow markings ; on either side, a plant,
and above, two rosettes ; borders of ivy on each side.