Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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F 593. " ' CANTHAROS. Old No. 1764. Ht. 3J in. Diam. 4J in. Hamilton Coll. D'Hancar-
villc, ii. pis. 39, 40. Designs white, yellow, and purple on black ground. Shape as before.
The handles end above in moulded heads with Phrygian caps. :

Interior: Within a border of rays and a purple ring is a female head to 1.,
white, with yellow features, yellow hair, open cap, and necklace.

Exterior, on either side : A female head to L, with curly hair and earrings ;
on either side of it is a tendril.

F 594. CANTHAROS. Old No. 1767. Ht. 8^-in. Diam. 5I in. From the Basilicata. Bull.

Arch. Nap. 1846, pi. 4, no. 6, p. 104 ; Arch. Zeit. 1847, p. 190 ; Welcker in Rhein. Mus. N. F.
vi. (1848), p. 391 ; Jahn, Vasens. zu Miinchen, p. cxxix ; Klein, Meislersig.2 p. 214 ; C. I. Gr.
S493. Repaired. Design yellow on black ground, with incised lines ; on either side of the
handles, ivy-wreaths. Shape as Fig. 15.

(a) Above, egg:moulding ; along the bottom is incised : ZTATl . . EPTON
KAOCATOI AOPON, XraTiov epyov, KkoaaTW (or K\ofaT<») Swpov. It is doubtful
whether this inscription is genuine, (b) Wreath.

VASES WITH INSCRIPTIONS (F 595-608 ; see p. 23).

F 595. CUP with handle. Ht. 25 in. Diam. 4 in. 1859. Found at Gonia, or Garna, in the

island of Cerigo, 1S50. V. Ouiepo, Systhncs Mctrigues et Moiit!taircs, i. p. 525 ; Birch, Ancient
Pottery2, pp. 329, 375 ; Rev. Arch. 1862, p. 332 ; Roberts, Gk. Epigraphy,i. p. 262 ; Kirchhoff,
Sludic/i*, p. 152 ; Roehl, /. G. A. 76. Black glazed ware.

On one side is incised : PjEMlKOTVMON, i)imkotv\iov. This appears to
denote the capacity of the cup. The lettering dates from about 450-420 B.C.

F 596. KYMBION. Old No. 1SS5. Ht. 3f in. Length, 7§ in. From Magna Graecia. Durand

Coll. 1006. Panofka, Rechcrches sur les Noins des Vases, pi. 5, fig. 75, p. 30 ; Smith, Diet. Ant?
i. p. 591 ; Arch. Zeit. 1848, p. 352 ; Journal des Savans, 1830, p. 16 ; Gerhard, Hypcrb. Rom.
Stud. i. p. 318 ; Kretschmer, Gr. Vascninschr. p. 5, note 1 ; C. I. Gr. 8470. In the mouth, a
strainer. The black glaze is,frayed in places. The shape is that of a boat-like askos, with
a small ring-shaped handle at the side, and a spout at one end. -.

On the side is incised : PPOriNE MH KATQHIZ, Upoirive, fj,i) kcltO^. The
letters appear to belong to the second half of the fourth century B.C. ; they are
engraved with a fine-pointed tool.

F 597. KYMBION. Ht. 33 in. Length, 6$ in. From Nola. Blacas Coll., 1867. Musdc Blacas,

pi. 16, 3, p. 48. In the mouth, a strainer. Shape as last.

On the side is incised : MAMO (perhaps aaao = o-wtro).

F 598. LAMP. Ht. ij in. Length, 4J in. Gela, 1863. Arch. Zeit. 1873, P- I09- Cover lost.

Underneath is incised : EIMIAEPAY<ANIATOKATAPYrOTATO, elfil 8e Tlavaavia
toj K(iTa7rvyoTciTh}. This inscription is rather suspicious.