( 269 )
Note.—For the sake of brevity the letter F has been omitted from before the numbers 0/ all the
vases belonging to the F series.
Achilles, 151; in combat with Lycaon, 173;
Anchises, 160
lying in wait for Tro'ilos, 493 ; receiving
Andromeda, 185
armour from Thetis, G 126
Antenor, 149, 193
Actaeon, 176 ; torn to pieces by his hounds,
Antigone (conjectural), 175 ; in scene from
176, 480
Phoenissae, G 104
Adonis (conjectural), 100,108, 255, 314, 373,
Aphrodite, at judgment of Paris, 109, 167,
400, 464
483 ; with other deities, 90, 107, 270,
Aegipan, 83 (?), 203, 253, 381
271, 278, 279, 331, 332, 399; with
AENEAS (conjectural), 175
Adonis, 100, 108, 255, 314, 373, 4°o,
Aequitia, 604
464 ; with Eros, G 29, G 141 ; riding on
Agamemnon (conjectural), 159
swan, 240, =56 ; statue of, 278 ; head of,
AGENOR (conjectural), 184
552 ; conjectural, 195, 202, 207, 209,
Agrae, celebration of mysteries at, 68
3", 44i
Agrenon on omphalos, 166
Apollo, 77, 100, 159, 166, 271, 278, 279,
Agrios, 155
G 130-134. ; Ismenios, 479 ; Lykeios,
AjAX seizing Cassandra, 160, 209, 278, G23 ;
311 ; Nomios(?), 145 ; term of, 270 (?) ;
suicide of, 480
conjectural, 53, 298, 399, 484, G 46,
ALCMENE, at suckling of Heracles, 107 ;
G 101
on pyre, pursued by Amphitryon, 149,
Apotheosis, see Heracles.
193; at strangling of snakes by Heracles,
Archer, G23
Architecture : Temples, 64 (Doric tetra-
Alexidamos, 606
style, representing Olympos), 68 (Doric
Altar, 9, 66, 71, 77, 149, 155, 159, 193,213,
hexastyle, temple of Demeter at Agrae),
222(F), 248, 271, 281 (?), 312, 313, 371,
151, 166 (temple at Delphi), G 28 ;
426, 529, G 17, G 23, G 96, G 132, G 136,
palace of Oinomaos, 331, of Creon,
G 139 (?), G 141 ; of Zeus, 160, 331,
G 104 ; stage, 151, 189, 269; fountains,
G 129 ; vase in shape of, 505
239> 493 ; windows, passim ; door-
Amazons, departing for battle, 177; dancing,
ways, 65, 124, 151, G 104 ; shrine of
343 (?) ; heads of, 26, G 78, G 184 ; com-
goddess, 277, 286 ; Heroon, 276, 279-
bat of, with Greeks, 14, 158, 258, 278,
285, 333, 334, 335, 341, 351, 352, 353,
418, G98, G 128, G 185 ; with Gryphons,
355; Doric columns, 7, 65, 283, 493,
6, 85, 230, G 189, G 190
G15, G 16 ; Ionic columns or capitals,
Amentum of spear, 83, 154
19, 7i, 75, 79, 92, 93, 143, 144, 166, 172,
Amphitryon, 149
185, 212, 213, 242, 271, 310, 312, 331,
Anaxyrides, worn by Amazons, 6, 85, 158,
332, 34i, 343, 379, 387, 408, 430, 438-
177, 230, 278, 343; worn by comic actors,
441, 444-448, 462, 466, 470, 472, 561,
99> I24, 15°, 188, 189, 269, 289, 543;
G 21, G90, G 135 ; funeral monuments
worn by other persons, 271, 278, G i86(?)
of unusual character, 93,143,212,213,281
Note.—For the sake of brevity the letter F has been omitted from before the numbers 0/ all the
vases belonging to the F series.
Achilles, 151; in combat with Lycaon, 173;
Anchises, 160
lying in wait for Tro'ilos, 493 ; receiving
Andromeda, 185
armour from Thetis, G 126
Antenor, 149, 193
Actaeon, 176 ; torn to pieces by his hounds,
Antigone (conjectural), 175 ; in scene from
176, 480
Phoenissae, G 104
Adonis (conjectural), 100,108, 255, 314, 373,
Aphrodite, at judgment of Paris, 109, 167,
400, 464
483 ; with other deities, 90, 107, 270,
Aegipan, 83 (?), 203, 253, 381
271, 278, 279, 331, 332, 399; with
AENEAS (conjectural), 175
Adonis, 100, 108, 255, 314, 373, 4°o,
Aequitia, 604
464 ; with Eros, G 29, G 141 ; riding on
Agamemnon (conjectural), 159
swan, 240, =56 ; statue of, 278 ; head of,
AGENOR (conjectural), 184
552 ; conjectural, 195, 202, 207, 209,
Agrae, celebration of mysteries at, 68
3", 44i
Agrenon on omphalos, 166
Apollo, 77, 100, 159, 166, 271, 278, 279,
Agrios, 155
G 130-134. ; Ismenios, 479 ; Lykeios,
AjAX seizing Cassandra, 160, 209, 278, G23 ;
311 ; Nomios(?), 145 ; term of, 270 (?) ;
suicide of, 480
conjectural, 53, 298, 399, 484, G 46,
ALCMENE, at suckling of Heracles, 107 ;
G 101
on pyre, pursued by Amphitryon, 149,
Apotheosis, see Heracles.
193; at strangling of snakes by Heracles,
Archer, G23
Architecture : Temples, 64 (Doric tetra-
Alexidamos, 606
style, representing Olympos), 68 (Doric
Altar, 9, 66, 71, 77, 149, 155, 159, 193,213,
hexastyle, temple of Demeter at Agrae),
222(F), 248, 271, 281 (?), 312, 313, 371,
151, 166 (temple at Delphi), G 28 ;
426, 529, G 17, G 23, G 96, G 132, G 136,
palace of Oinomaos, 331, of Creon,
G 139 (?), G 141 ; of Zeus, 160, 331,
G 104 ; stage, 151, 189, 269; fountains,
G 129 ; vase in shape of, 505
239> 493 ; windows, passim ; door-
Amazons, departing for battle, 177; dancing,
ways, 65, 124, 151, G 104 ; shrine of
343 (?) ; heads of, 26, G 78, G 184 ; com-
goddess, 277, 286 ; Heroon, 276, 279-
bat of, with Greeks, 14, 158, 258, 278,
285, 333, 334, 335, 341, 351, 352, 353,
418, G98, G 128, G 185 ; with Gryphons,
355; Doric columns, 7, 65, 283, 493,
6, 85, 230, G 189, G 190
G15, G 16 ; Ionic columns or capitals,
Amentum of spear, 83, 154
19, 7i, 75, 79, 92, 93, 143, 144, 166, 172,
Amphitryon, 149
185, 212, 213, 242, 271, 310, 312, 331,
Anaxyrides, worn by Amazons, 6, 85, 158,
332, 34i, 343, 379, 387, 408, 430, 438-
177, 230, 278, 343; worn by comic actors,
441, 444-448, 462, 466, 470, 472, 561,
99> I24, 15°, 188, 189, 269, 289, 543;
G 21, G90, G 135 ; funeral monuments
worn by other persons, 271, 278, G i86(?)
of unusual character, 93,143,212,213,281