Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Statios, 594

Statue, of Athene, 160, 209, 278, 366, G23,
G 135 ; of Aphrodite, 278 ; of Zeus, 278 ;
archaic, of goddess, 277 ; of Heracles,
230 ; also G 17, G 138, G 141; and see
Herobn and Terminal Figure.

Steering-oar (?), 218

Stelae, passim.

Sterope, 271, 331

Stheno, G90

Stylus and tablets. 273, 290, 295, 296,
297, 302

Swinging, 123

Symposion, 2, 36, 37,48, 54, 103, 187, 303

Syracusan Tetradrachm, G 121, G122

Syrinx, 179, 279, G2S

Teiresias, G 104

Temples, see Architecture.

Tent of Ajax, 480

Terminal figure, 9, 71, 270, G96

Termon, 62

Theban youth, G 49

Thebes personified, G 104

Theseus, 272

Thetis, 69, G44, G45, G 126

Thiasos, see Comos, and Dionysiac scenes.

Thracian costume. 271

Thrush, 207, 243

Thymele, 77 ?

Thymiaterion, see Incense-burner.

Titulus, G 16S

Toilet-scene, 3, 97, 138, 164, 181,1S2, 231,

30S, 310, 324, 332, 368, 380, G192
Torches with four or six arms, 174, 277,

278, 332,436 ; used in mysteries (fidicxoi),

Tortoise, ioi
Tragic mask, 163

Triga, 70, 306

Triglyphs on altar, 149, 160, 193

Triptolemos, 68

Triton, G 20, G 102, G 127

Troilos, 493

Trojan captive, 173 ; women, 278; warrior

G 129
Trophy, G ioi
Trumpet, 158, 215
Tumbler, 232
Tumulus, 19
Tuscan column, 481
TYMPANON, passim.
Typhon, 237

Unguent-box (a-nrjyfxaro8r]Krf), 138

Vases on tombs, 92, 93, 213, 331, 335, 336,

354, 49°
Victorious athlete, 66, 84, 170; warrior,

45, 2I7

Warrior, see Combat, Departure, Trojan,
Victorious ; also 196, 200, 204, 241, 242,

Weighing of Erotes, 220

Wheel, Magic, see Magic wheel; of
Myrtilos' chariot, 271

Wind-god, 237

WiNDO'W, see Architecture.

Winged female head, 2S5

Winged monster, G 80

Wolf with Romulus and Remus, G 125

Xanthias, 151, 233
Xoanon, 160, 277

Zephyros, 39
Zeus, 149, 237, 278,
altar of, 331

479 ; statue of, 278 ;