Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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10. Detail of the fig. 8, the Angel

lodiness of the stemmy donzela with her serious fixed glance, who seems to be a perfect
pictoriaJ equivalent of Thomas’ of England tetrastich:13

La Damę chante dulcement
Sa voiz acorde a Vestrument,

Les mains sont beles, U lais bons,

Dulce le voiz et bas li tons.

Impetuous, almost savage leap of the executioner is contrasted in a much impressive way to
the motionless, stiffened on prayer, attitude of the Baptist. The raised face of the Saint with
his eyelids closeiy pressed together, his arms stretched forth as if towards the tormentor, sug-
gestive]y visualize his readiness for martyrdom, recalling thus the words of the Ist Epistle
of St John: „There is no fear in love but perfect love casteth out fear. Because fear hath tor-
ment. And he that feareth is not madę perfect in love”. The dialogue of the Disciples assist-
ing Christ seems to be echoed in the rhytmical curves of their bodies. And Herod, very Spanish,
indeed, in his gloomy reverie,14 seated in the well-known attitude royale, while pointing to the act
of his distinguished spouse appears to embody and at the same time to comment upon
St Isidore’s memorable definition of the human being:15 Homines sunt ratione capaces, intel-

13. Thomas of England (1165 — 1170), I quote after ,,Dzieje Tristana i Izoldy”, odtworzył Joseph Bedier, przełożył Ta-
deusz Żeleński-Boy [in:] Arcydzieła Francuskiego Średniowiecza, Warszawa, 1968, p. 392.

14. ,,The Castilians are a grave, silent, somewhat Stern people”, British Universities Encyclopaedia, s.~v. Castile.

15. St Isidore of Sevilla, Differentiarum Libr. II, cap. XIV, 43, P.L. LXXXIII, col. 76-77.
