Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Bulletin du Musée National de Varsovie — 13.1972

DOI Heft:
Nr. 2-3
DOI Artikel:
Paszkiewicz, Mieczysław: Sir Peter Francis Bourgeois and his "Rotunda with Figures"
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the 5th Duke of Leeds and the Foreign Secretary)18 to receive the Royal recognition of the distin-
ction should be noted.10

The artist was kniglited just in time for the opening of the Royal Acaderny Exhibition. He was
represented there by 11 pictures, received, at least by an art critic in The Times, favourably.
The review of the Exhibition was published in 6 instalments. The whole of the 3rd was devoted
to Sir Francis's pictures. The Rotunda received the longest and most enthusiastic comment:
„No. 104. — The inside of a Rotunda, with several Portraits of Polish Noblemen and Ladies,
the Cherokee Chiefs, and other figures. This picture, which, as we are informed, is painted for
the King of Poland, gives a new example of the universality of the artist's genius. It is the first
work of this which we remember to have seen from his pencil, and we find that the proportions
and decorations of Architecture, with the groups of polished life, are as much within his powers
of dcscription as the wild shapes of naturę, the forms of animals, or the varying expressions of
human passion. This subject is on a Ievel with every judgment, and is so executed as to please
every beholder".20

18. D. Agassiz, op. clt., p. 11: ,,Le 12 avril 1791, par licencc royale, lc ruban et la mćdaille "Mercntibus" lui sont remis — ils
sont conserves a la Galerie Dulwich. Pcu apres, le roi Gcorge III confirma le titre de noblesse altach ća cette decoration,
lorsque Bourgcois lui fut pre-entć par le duc de Leeds, secretaire d'Etat."

19. The whole problem of the Bourgeois's knighthood is discussed in detail in an article: M. Paszkiewicz, „Piotr—Franciszek
Bourgcois i jego nobilitacja", Orzeł Biały-Syrena, No. 29, 19 July, 1962, pp. 4 — 5.

20. The Times, 6 May 1791, p. 3, co]. 1. The Royal Acaderny Dinner was reported in the 2 May issuc and other instalments
of the review were published 4, 5, 9, 19 May and 2 June.

5. T. Rowlandson, The Rotunda in the Rank of England (Bank of England Copyright, reproduced

by kind permision of the Governor)
