Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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involved, that is the question whether the two mythological pictures, the one biblical and the
seven portraits, all bearing the monogram"B" could have been done by the same hand and more-
over would be the work of the draughtsman of the Louvre drawings. It seems not problematical
for the portraits, in particular for those of Derk van Os and his wife N.N. Pelgrom and their four
chidren.12 A comparison of the drawings of two boys among the Louvre group and the children
of the above mentioned couple removes any possible doubt.

12. For the first time publishcd by A.B. de Vries, Het Noord-Nederlandseh Portret in de tweede helft ran de 16de eeuw, Amsterdam,
1934. p. 91 and pl. 49 and 50. De Vries saw no difficulty in combining tbe portraits with the mythological picture signed
with I.B.

2. Monogrammist "B", Preliminary sketch for fig. 1, drawing, Le Musee du Louvre (inv. n0'
19301 v°) (Phot. Service de Documentation Photographiąue, Reunion des Musees Nationaux)
