Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Bulletin du Musée National de Varsovie — 13.1972

DOI Heft:
Nr. 4
DOI Artikel:
Boon, Karel G.: Some observations concerning an Antwerp family portrait by the Monogrammist "B"
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There is, however, no very elear link between the two Diana and Acteon pictures, one in Vienna
dated 1576 and one in Utrecht dated 1579, and the Warsaw picture, which seems a master-piece
compared to these rather clumsy products of a provincial painter. One of them and a painting
representing the Fali of Man, also signed with the monogram "B", seem to be copies after earlier
examples because they exist in other versions which are signed DR or RD and one of them is dated
1566.13 If the Utrecht and the Vienna pictures of which the Diana and Acteon in Utrecht is signed
I B can be assigned to Joos de Beer, as Stechow has suggested,14 they would correspond rather
well with Van Mander's depreciatory ąualification of this painter. He quotes him as the master
of Bloemaert and Wttewael and a pupil of Frans Floris and calls him a mediocre painter.

13. Mentioned by Ingrid Jost in her dissertation Studien zu Anthonis Blocklandt, Cologne, 1960 (published in typoscript.).

14. Cf. Oud Holland, XLVI, 1929, p. 282.

3. Monogrammist "B", Preliminary sketch for fig. 1, drawing, Le Musće du Louvre (inv. n° 19301)
(Phot. Seryice de Documentation Photographiąue, Reunion des Musee Nationaux)
