Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Bulletin du Musée National de Varsovie — 13.1972

DOI Heft:
Nr. 4
DOI Artikel:
Boon, Karel G.: Some observations concerning an Antwerp family portrait by the Monogrammist "B"
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If we accept the Warsaw picture, the portraits and the drawings as one group we have more
than one indication that its author had close connections with Antwerp. Two portraits, the one of
N.N. Pelgrom and the delia Faille portrait in Brussels, published by d'Hulst point in this direction
and several drawings testify to connections with Floris, Coxie and Maerten de Vos.

Returning to the attribution of Ollero who suggested Bernard de Rijckere, born in Courtray
but accepted in the Antwerp Guild in 1561, as the painter of the Warsaw picture one can adduce
another argument for this attribution. As d'Hulst has shown the Brussels portrait of the Master
"B", painted in 1573, most probably is a portrait of Martin delia Faille.16 We know from the inven-
tory of the estate of Dc Rijckere that he had painted a portrait of this member of the Antwerp
family and that he also entertained relations with other important Antwerp families like the
Duartes, the Cachiopins and the Stydelins.10

This inventory might prove an interesting source even for the drawings, because several of its
subjects correspond with subjects of the Louvre drawings. If one finally compares the style of
an early picture of De Rijckere, Christ on the road to Cahary in Courtray,17 with these drawings,
many similarities can be observed, varying from elements used in the architecture in the back-
ground to the style of his draperies and the careful modelling of the heads.

I thus arrive at the conclusion that the monogrammist "B", who painted the Warsaw picture
couid be Bernard de Rijckere if this Bernard used the first letter of his first name to sign his dra-
wings. If this is true the family represented in the picture could perhaps be found among those
wealthiest Antwerp citizens whose names are recorded in De Rijckere's inventory.

15. Cf. R. —A d'Hulst, „Nict Christóffel van Utrecht maar «Meestcr B»", Oud Holland, LXVII, 1952, pp. 97 — 102.

16. Cf. P. Genard, ,,Le Peintre Bernard de Rijckere", Revue Artisliąue, I, 1878/79, pp. 23 and 287.

17. Rcproduced in the edition of Van Mander's SchUderboek hy A.F. Miranda and G.S. Overdiep, Amsterdam, 1936, p. 39 5.
