Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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42. Jan de Herdt, Baptism of Christ, oil on canvas, Zapadomoravske Muzeum at Trebić (photo:

Zapadomorayske Muzeum)

over his left shoulder, in elk gloves, with a richly ferruled marshal’s Staff in his left hand. His
crested helmet is on a smali table in the background. The prevailing colours are various shades
of gold, brown and red, which brings out the official State character of the portrait, the
basie elements of which (the sitter’s attitude, his suit of armour, and a drapery in the background)
dra w upon court portraiture very popular in Western Europę during the Baroąue. The best
examples of it may be found, among others, in the oeuvre of van Dyck whom Herdt probably
treated as his paragon. Similar Solutions may also be found among the works of artists active at
the Viennese court. In that period portraits of this type acąuired unprecedented popularity
following in the wake of the images of Emperor Leopold I.

The portrait of Karl lladuit de Souches73 (Fig. 39), now in the Moravian Gallery in Brno,
has similar characteristics. It is dated at 1668, lience was painted shortly after Herdt had finished

*73. Oil on canvas, 65,5 X 50 cm, inv. no. A 126; M. Trapp, Fiihrer durch das Franzens Museum in Briinn, Briinn, 1890,p. 84;
Pruvoduce obrazarnou Musea Frcinliskova, Brno, 1899, p. 24, no. 98; K. Krejći,op. cit. ,p. 13 no. 41; M. A. Baroncelli, op.cit.r
p. 10, Fig. 1; A. Kozak, op. cit., p. 50.