Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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19. Front of a cassone, formerly in the Spiridon Collection in Paris (Photo after P. Schubring,

Cassoni..., op. cit.)

20. The story of Lucretia, cassone front, Perugia, Galleria Nazionale delFUmbria (Photo Galleria

Nazionale delFUmbria)

the mid- to late-1 5th century of cassoni decorated with gilt gesso, exhibited among
others at the Hermitage and Victoria and Albert Museum, the images actually take up
the entire front side.43 In other cases, such as the painted Florentine cassone with
scenes depicting the life of Hercules, from the first half of the 15th century and
currently belonging to the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, personifications
of the virtues (in this case Fortitudo and Temperantia) are portrayed, as in other
cassoni presented in this article, at the outer edges of the chest front.44 It is worth
adding that sitting personifications of virtues appear at that time also in Siena e.g. in
the decoration of the Palazzo Pubblico.45

In the laconic remarks madę to datę on the subject of the cassoni from Urbino
(Figs. 8, 15) and from Drey's antique shop (Fig. 16) it was suggested that they
originated either from Umbria around 1440 or from Lombardy in the first decade of the
Quattrocento or even from Tuscany itself. The first of these hypotheses was madę by
Schubring46, the second by Luigi Serra47, the third proposal is of Maddalena Trionfi
Honorati.48 Ali are poorly supported in the absence of written sources. The only dated
chest, from the first half of the 1 5th century, decorated with gilt gesso is a cassone
