Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Bulletin du Musée National de Varsovie — 37.1996

DOI Heft:
Nr. 1-2
DOI Artikel:
Żelazowski, Jerzy: Three Roman mould-blown glasses from the Michał Tyszkiewicz and Gołuchów Collections
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4. Inscribed bulbous beaker
with constricted lip from the
Berlin-West Museum
(Phot, token from
A. Greifenhogen, "Ancient Gloss
in the Berlin-West Museum,
op. tit, p. 63, Fig. 5)

The Goìuchów collection is also worthy of attention for another well-pre-
served mould-blown bulbous beaker with constricted lip of transparent
greenish glass and an inscription in Greek, EYOPAINOY EOW ELAPEI
(„be glad that you are here“), in one continuous frieze, bounded above and
below by pairs of horizontal ribs and with a frieze of vertical gadroons below
(Fig. 3). The whole was blown in a tripartite mould (inv. no. 142557 MN,
height 7 cm, diameter 8.7 cm, rim diameter 7.4 cm, base diameter 4.5 cm,
Fig. 3).

In W Froehner’s opinion the beaker was discovered on Cyprus,17 from
where numerous inscribed glasses of foreign origin or local production have
been excavated. D.B. Harden, the creator of a typology of glasses with
mould-blown inscriptions placed this vessel in group G 1, II, 18 compiling si-
multaneously a catalogue of known vessels of similar form, successively sup-
plemented thanks to new archeological discoveries and publications of muse-
um collections.19 A beaker ressembling the one in the Warsaw National Mu-
seum is to be found in the Berlin Antiquarium Collection (inv. no.
30219.212, heigh 7cm, diameter 8,7 cm, Fig.4).20 *

17 W Froehner, op. cit., no. 132, p. 150.

18 D. B. Harden, “Romano-Syrian Glasses with Mould-Blown Inscriptions”, Journal of Roman
Studies XXV, 1935, p. 174.

19 Cf M. C. McClellan, “Recent Finds from Greece of First-Century A.D. Mould-Blown Glass”,
JGS, XXV, 1983, p. 71-78; D. B. Harden, “Two Tomb-Groups of the First Century A.D. from
Yahmour, Syria, and a Supplement to the List of Romano-Syrian Glasses with Mould-Blown
Inscriptions”, Syria, XXIV, 1944/1945, p. 81-95.

20 A. Greifenhagen, “Ancient Glass in the Berlin-West Museum”, JGS, IV, 1962, no. 5, p. 63; of. JGS,

XIII, 1971, p. 135, no. 7; A. Kisa, Das Glas im Altertume, Leipzig 1908, p. 722, Fig. 285.
