Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Now as concerning all the (73) evil which
cleaveth unto Osiris, the overseer of the palace,
Hunefer, triumphant, [lt is all that he hath done]
against the lords of eternity since he came forth
(74) from his mother’s womb. Now as concern-
ing the eight1 shinmg ones, even Mestha, Hapi,
Tuamautef (75), Qebhsennuf, Maa-tef, Kher-beq-f,
ancl Heru-khenti-[an-]maati, Anubis appointed
them (76) protectors of the funeral chest of Osiris,
or (as others say) [he set them] behind the place of
purification which holdeth the body of Osiris ; or
(as (77) others say), these seven shining ones
are Netcheh-netcheh, Oet-qet-ka (?), An-erta-QS),

nef-“.[79] . .. [bes]-f-khenti-heh-f, Aq-her-(So)

am-unnut-[f], Ar-ba-f-pa-anes, Aseb-hra-pert-em-
khet(8i). N ow [the holy ones who minister in
his chamber] are Heru-khenti-[an]-maa, and I lorus
the avenger of his father, or (as others say), they
are the divine Tchafi (82) [who are] the soul of
Ra and the soul of Osiris, [or] the soul of Shu
and the soul of Tefnut, [or] (83) the soul of the
Lord of Tattu, or (as others say) ....

“ I am the great Cat which fought (?) by the
“ (84) persea tree harcl by, in Annu, on the night
“ of fighting ancl fettenng the Sebau fiend, (85)
“ on the day when the foes of Neb-er-tcher were
“ destroyed.”

(86) What then is this ? The great Cat
which fought (?) [in Annu] is Ra himself, and he
is called Ma[u] (87) by reason of the speech of
the god Sa [who called him] “ Ma” ; or (as othcrs
say), [the great Cat] is the gocl Shu who maketh
over whatsoever is m the house of Seb (88) unto
Osiris, the overseer of the cattle, Hunefer,
triumphant. Now as concerning the mountain
of heaven . . . '. N ow as concerning [the foes by
the sicle of] the persea tree which was near the
great Cat in Annu, they are the children of (89)
impotent revolt when they produce the storm.
And as to the words, “ the night of the battle,”
they concern the inroad [of the children of impo-
tent revolt] (90) into the eastern part of heaven,
whereupon there arose a battle in heaven and in
all the earth (91).

“ Hail ! thou who strengthenest the pillars of
“ Shu, like unto whom there is none among the
“ gods, who givest blasts of fire [from thy mouth,
“ ancl who makest the] two lands [bright] (92)

1 Only seven gods are mentioned.

- Here the text becomes very corrupt.

“ with thy radiance ; deliver thou Osiris, the royal
“ scribe, Hunefer, triumphant—making him to sail
“ over that which [Shu] supporteth—(93) from the
“ great gocl whose forms are hidden, ancl who
“ giveth light, and whose eyebrows (94) are like
“ unto the arms of the balance on the nioTt when


“ the serpent brood are brought forth.” (95)

What then is this ? It is Anubis, ancl it is
Horus-khenti-aru, and it is the divine sovereign
chiefs (96) who repulse the enemies of Neb-er-

What then is this ? It is Horus.

“ I know the mighty one of the (97) sheniu
“ princes, whose eyes are never overcome ; or (as
“ others say), before Osiris, the royal scribe, the
“ overseer of the palace, Hunefer, triumphant.
“ (98) Let me never fall heacllong into their fires,

“ because.who goeth about heaven robed

“ in flame. I know (99) their names, ancl I know
“ Ra, who dwelleth among them in the House
“ of Osiris. Hail, thou who sendest forth light
“ (100) from thrne eye, and who art thyself unseen !
“ [Hail] thou who art over thine altars, ancl
“ who announcest Hapi (i.e., the Nile), being
“ thyself (101) unseen. I am strong upon earth
“ before [Ra], and may I arrive before Osiris.
“ Let not your offerings become [harmful] unto
“ (102) me, O ye who preside over your altars,
“ for I am among those who follow after Neb-er-
“ tcher accordmg to the writings of (103) Khepera.
“ I fly as a clivine hawk, I cackle as a snien goose ;
“ (404) I draw through etermty even as Neheb-ka.”

What then is this ? It is Ra himself. (105)

“ Deliver thou Osins, the royal scribe, the
“ overseer of the cattle, Hunefer, triumphant,
“ from . ... who seizeth and carrieth off souls,

“ (106) who devoureth hearts, ancl who liveth
“ upon his offal; or ([as others] say), from him
“ that clwelleth in fiery light, (107) and whom the
“ helpless one feareth.”

What then -is this ? It is the god Suti.

(108) Now as concerning.it is the limb

of Osiris ; or (as others say), it is the limb (109)
of Ra. Now she who spreacleth my hair over
my face ancl draweth it over my brow is Isis, (110)
who hideth in her hair ancl draweth hcr hair over
her. Now, as concermng Uatchet, the lacfy of
flames (111), she is the Eye of Ra. Now as
concerning those who would remove me, and
woulcl do evil unto me, they are the fiends of