Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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“ to thy will. The odours (or breaths) of the (22)

“ holy Persea tree which is in Annu (Heliopohs)

“ are wafted (?) unto thee ; thou wakest each day
“ and lookest upon the beams of the god Ra.

“ The god Amen cometh unto thee (23) bearing
“ the breath of life, and he causeth thee to breathe
“ lt in thy funeral chest. Thou comest forth
“ upon earth each day, and Thoth’s ‘ Booic of
“ Breathings ’ (24) is a protection for thee,

“ because thereby dost thou breathe each day, and
“ through it do thine eyes look upon the beams of
“ the Disk. The goddess of Right and Truth
“ speaketh on thy behalf m thc presence of Osiris,

“ (25) and the writings of Maat are upon thy
“ tongue. Horus, the Avenger of his divine
“ Father, protecteth thy body, and he maketh thy
“ soul to be holy like unto the souls of all the
“ Qrods. The souls of the mxl


“ (1) Ra1 make thy divine soul to live, and
“ the souls of the god Shu2 refresh the passages
“ of thy nostrils.”

“ Hail, Osiris Kersher, the son (2) of
“ Tashenatit! Thy soul draweth its breath in what-
“ soever place thou lovest to be. Thou art like
“ unto Osiris, and ‘ Osiris, Governor of those who
“ are in the Underworld,’ is thy name. (3) The
“ holy water of God {i.e., the Nile) cometh unto
“ thee from Abu {i.e., Elephantine),-and lt filleth
“ thy table of offerings with tchefau food.”

“[Hail], Osiris (4) Kersher, the son of
“ Tashenatit! The gods of the South and of the
“ North come unto thee, and thou shalt be led by
“ them unto the ends of the earth (5) for millions
“ of years. Thy divine soul liveth, and thou
“ followest in the train of Osiris ; thou drawest
“ thy breath in Re-stau. The strength which
“ protecteth thee (6) is hidden in the Tord of
“ Setet, and in the Great God. Thy corruptible
“ body liveth in the heavenly Tattu and in Nif-
“ urtet ; but thy divine soul liveth in (7) heaven
“ clay by day.”

“[Hail], Osiris Kershcr, the son of
“ Tashenatit! The goddess Sekhet hath gained
“ the mastery over him that would do evil unto

“ thee ; Heru-aa- (8) abu {i.e., Horus, mighty one
“ of hearts) protecteth thee; Heru-seshet {i.e.,

“ Horus, who bindeth up) maketh a heart for thee;

“ and Heru-maati (i.e., Horus of the two eyes)

“ guardeth thy body ” (or, as some say, (9) “ thy
“ tongue”). “ Thou art stablished with life, and
“ health, and strength, and thou art firmly
“ seatecl upon thy throne in Ta-tchesertet. Come
“ then, O Osiris Kersher, (10) the son of
“ Tashenatit, thou art crowned' in thy form, thou
“ art arrayed in thine ornaments, thou hast laid
“ firm hold upon life, thou livest thy life (11) in
“ health, thou goest hither and thither, and thou
“ drawest thy breath in every place wherein it
“ pleaseth thee so to do. Ra shineth upon thine
“ abode even as he shineth upon the abode of
“ Osiris ; thou drawest thy breath (12) and thou
“ livest through his rays of splendour. Amen-Ra-
“ Heru-Khuti (i.e., Amen-Ra-Harmachis) maketh
“ thy divine ka (or ‘ double ’) to live, and he
“ maketh thee to be vigorous through the ‘ Book
“ of Breathings.’ (13) Thou followest in the
“ train of Osiris-Horus, the lord of the Henuu
“ boat ; thou art like unto the Great God at the
“ head of the gods. Thy face liveth, O thou
“ whose births are lovely [to see], thy name (14)

“ groweth each day. Thou goest mto the most
“ mighty and divine Hall in the city of the
“ heavenly Tattu ; and thou dost look upon him
“ who is the Governor of those who are in the
“ underworld on the festival of Uka. (15) The
“ odour of thee is pleasant unto the blessed
“ beings who are therein, and thy name is mag-
“ nified among the beings who are spiritual and
“ divine.”

“ Hail, Osiris Kersher, the son of (16)
“ Tashenatit! Thy soul liveth through the ‘ Booic
“ of Breatiiings,’ and through it thou attainest
“ unto the divine underworld, and (17) dost enter
“ therein, and thou art without a foe therein.
“ Thou art like unto the living divine Soul which
“ is in Tattu. Thou hast possession of thy heart
“ which hath not departed from thee, and (18)
“ thou hast possession of both thine eyes, and
“ [thou dost] open [them] each day.”

The gocls who are in the following of Osiris
speak unto Osiris Kersher, the son of Tashenatit,
(i9)saying: “ Thou shalt follow m the train of
“ Ra, and thou shalt follow in the train of Osiris,
“ ancl thy soul shall live for ever and for ever.”

The cfods who dwell m the divine under-
world (20) of Osiris, the Governor of those who

1 I.c., the heat emanations.

2 I.c., the breaths of the celestial atmosphere.
