Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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the miglity one

em Ant - rcst t - k qebh - k em

in Hermonthis, giveth thee thy libation vvith


sem Nebt-het






dain -f sem Nebt-het her - k er bu xcr sen 's
his ovvn hands, Nephthys goeth vvith thee to the place vvhere her brother is,

ertd - f - tu em tep en

and he setteth thee at the head of



the favoured ones ;


thou attainest


Anxtet anx netert arn - s

the Land of Life wherein the goddess liveth,

an sek em

and [thou] shalt never perish

rtfhP ^

Xent-s t'etta

therein to all eternity.

The translation of the hieratic text is as
follows :—



“(i) Hail, Osiris Kersher, the son of
“Tashenatit! Thou art pure, and thy heart is
“ pure ; thy breast is pure, and thy (2) back hath
“ been cleansed with the water of incense. Thy
“ inward parts [have been cleansed ?] with bet
“ incense and natron, and no member of thine
“ hath any blemish whatsoever. The Osiris (3)
“ Kersher, the son of Tashenatit, hath been
“ purified in the pool of water which is in Sekhet-
“ hetep (i.e., the Field of Peace), that lieth to the
“ north of Sekhet-(4) Sanehem (i.e., the Field of
“ the Grasshoppers). The goddesses Uatchit and
“ Nekhebet have purified thee at the eighth hour
“ of the night, and at the eighth hour of the
“ day. Come then, O Osiris (5) Kersher, the
“ son of Tashenatit, enter thou into the Hall.of
“ Maati. Thou art cleansed frorn sin of every
“ kind (6) and from all evil, and ‘ Stone of Right
“ and Truth ’ is thy name.

“ Hail, [Osiris] Kersher, the son of
“Tashenatit! Thou dost entcr into the divine
“ underworld (7) in the state of him that hath
“ been throughly cleansed, and thou hast been
“ made pure by the two Maat goddesses in the
“ Great Hall. A sacrifice of purification hath
“ been made for thce in the Hall of the god Sebu,
“ and thy limbs have (8) been made pure in the

Hall of Shu. Thou lookest upon the god Ra
“ when he setteth in the form of Temu at even-
“ tide. The god Amen is nigh unto thee to give
“ air unto thee, (9) and Ptah also to fashion thy
“ members. Thou enterest on the divine horizon
“ along with Ra, and those who are therein
“ receive thy soul in the divine Neshem boat of
“ Osiris, (10) and they make holy thy soul in
“ the Temple of Sebu (?), and they make thee to
“ be triumphant for.ever and for ever.”

“ [Hail] Osi ns Iversher, the son of
“ Tashenatit! (11) Thy name is stablished for
“ ever, thy corruptible body is doubly strengthened,
“ thy spiritual body (sahu) groweth into being, and
“ thou art repulsed neither in the heavens nor upon
“ the earth. Thy face shineth with splendour
“ before (12) Ra, and thy divine soul liveth
“ before Amen, and thy corruptible body reneweth
“ its youth in presence of Osiris. Thou breathest
“ theair for ever and for ever, and thy soul maketh
“ sepulchral offerings unto thee of fresh (13) cakes,
“ and ale, and oxen, and feathered fowl, and cold
“ water, at various seasons during each and every
“ day; thy soul cometh unto thee and it is
“ triumphant. Thy flesh is upon [thy] bones,
“ (14) and thou hast thy form with all that belonged
“ unto it even as thou hadst upon the earth. Thou
“ takest drink into thy body, thou dost eat with
“ thy mouth, and thou dost receive thine offerings
“ of cakes along with the souls (15) of the gods.
“ The god Anubis doth guard thee, and he him-
“ self cloth fashion the amulets which protect thee ;
“ thou art not clnven back at the o-ates of the


“ divine underworld. Thoth, the most mighty
“ god, (16) cometh unto thee, and he, the Forcl of
Khemennu (i.e., Hermopolis), doth write for
“ thee the ‘ Book of Breathings ’ with his own
“ hand. So hath thy divine soul breath (17) for
“ ever, and thy form is endowed with hfe anew
“ upon earth. (18) Thou art made a divine being
“ with the souls of the gods, for thy heart is the
“ heart of Ra, (19) and thy members are the
“ members of the Great Gocl.”

“ Hail, Osiris Kersher, the son of
“ Tashenatit! The god Amen is nigh unto thee
“ to endow (20) thee afresh with hfe, ancl the god
“ Ap[uat] hath openecl up for thee a fair road.
“ Thou seest with thine eyes, thou hearest with
“ thine ears, thou speakest with thy mouth, (21)
“ ancl thou walkest with thy legs. Thy soul hath
“ been macle holy in thc divine undcrworld, and
“ it performeth all thy transformations according