Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 3,1): Zeus god of the dark sky (earthquake, clouds, wind, dew, rain, meteorits): Text and notes — Cambridge, 1940

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Rain of stones


easy to equip the nameless figure with club and lion-skin and to
make him fight the snake of the Hesperides (Draco), as was done
V Eratosthenes and his followers1 (figs. 318, 319)2, or to imagine
him groping for stones in his contest with the Ligyes, as was done by
°ther Alexandrine scholars3. Both interpretations occasioned further


Fig. 319.


tetnpie 0f n ln Posture of Herakles crouching to shoot in the eastern pediment of the
2°G> 2oR° .^P^aia m Aigina (A. Furtwangler Aegina Miinchen 1906 Text p. 250 ff. figs.
^IUrichen P'" 9f' BeschreibunSder Glyptothek Konig Ludwig's I. zu Miinchen"

zu Jif - 910 P* 112 ff. no. 84, P. Wolters Fiihrer ditrch die Glyptothek Konig Ludwigs
de"hch. arc]6'1 Munchen IQ" P- 20 fig. A. 86): see A. Kalkmann in the Jahrb. d. kais.
^culptitre R '^95 x- ^5 74' P"*' von Mach A Handbook of Greek and Roman

1 PseudoT1 1905 P- 88-
f 2 F'E- »iflT.ratosth- Mast. 4, cp. ib. 3, Hyg. poet. astr. 1. 6.

56t pubr J* fr°m a twelfth-century MS. of Germanicus at Madrid (cod. Matrit. A 16
'S frottl the rA by G" Thiele AntUte Himmelsbilder Berlin 1898 p. 145 fig. 62). Fig.319

l«e edit' — ...... Uw.... K. ,w „s. , ,j

^S-poet Hy£inus Printed by Erhard Radtolt at Venice in 1485 fol. dv.

7 ?' +83) li^' ** ^ J^escrlylus autem in fabula quae inscribitur Hpo/ii]8evs Xvd/ievos
en'rn. quo erCU'em a'1 esse> non cum dracone, sed cum Liguribus depugnantem.
co^S' 1*°* conatem'30re ^ercu'es a Geryone boves abduxerit, iter fecisse per Ligurum
arm Setl °S a^ e° Pecus akducere manus contulisse et complures Coram sagittis

0tutn defess^'^113111 Herculem tela deficerent, multitudine barbarorum et inopia
lir,..CUrasse ,,i • Se '"geniculasse multis iam vulneribus acceolis. Iovem autem misertum

host Sse ut cir lnSeniculasse multis iam vulneribus acceptis. Iovem autem misertum
Pbae* fuSasse jta 1 £Um ""S"1 lapidum copia esset, quibus se Herculem defendisse et
eW ' '4 (w'ron T'1"6 Vem similitudinem pugnantis inter sidera constituisse, schol. Arat.
Obvj Ti" HP«ic\^ y attached to the description of Ophiuchus) 4\Xot 5<? <paal Tives abrbv
XiK^ Correcti0" a'5 A£/3l"T' (A' Rehm Pauly—w'sso\va Real-Enc. v. 2564 makes the
tHovvTa. iwiXiirbvTuv avrif twv to$cv/j.4twv tVi ydvv irtabvTa
■ avTV Zei>s t%Mitn(.