Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 3,1): Zeus god of the dark sky (earthquake, clouds, wind, dew, rain, meteorits): Text and notes — Cambridge, 1940

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Ritual of the Dipolieia 579

s.v. AuiroXieia, et. mag. p. 275, 4. A more substantial cake is implied by Hesych. s.v.
Bou^on'a-...Tr6iravoi>...oiov ir\aKovvTiov e£ dprov. lloTravov is the word also in schol.
Aristoph. nub. 985 (aXXws) = Souid. s.vv. 'Rovtpbvia, QavXav, Favorin. lex. p. 385, 23 ff.
see further O. Band De Diipolioi ■um sacro Atheniensium Halae Saxonum 1873 p. 19
n. 14.

Borph. de abst. 2. 30 iiri rrjs xa^Ky* rpairefas (cp. ib. 2. 29 k-xi rrjs Tpair^rj?), but
aus. 1. 24. 4 eirl roe flu)ibv. (1) P. Stengel in Hermes 1893 xxviii. 492 n. 1 denies that
, fre ls any incongruity, since the altar would have been covered with a bronze plate:
s was commonly done by way of preparation for burnt-offerings, and always in the
case of valuable altars—see Lolling in ' kdt)va. 1891 p. 595. The same view is taken by
wmmsen Feste d. Stadt Athen p. 519. But H. von Prott in the Rhein. Mus. 1897 lii.
^93 n. 1 justly objects that such an altar would not be called rpawtfa. Stengel Opfer-
raucke de>- Griechen Leipzig—Berlin 1910 p. 208 n. 1 is content to conclude: 'Die
V Tpdirefa wird sich freilich von einem /3u/i6s wenig unterschieden haben ; Tpd-n-efai


Fig. 404.

massive Basen (Bruckner, Ornament und Form der att. Grab-
'2) H. von p Form beider geht ineinander iiber (Pfuhl, Athen. Mitt, xxvm 336).'
Scribing a f°'t '1'mse'f c't- regards the discrepancy as evidence that Pausanias is
^Ut See si *n ^lt'°' Porphyrios, or rather his source Theophrastos, a non-Attic cult.
Griec>ien ,f^j P'.5'8 n- 2- (3) H. Mischkowski Die heiligen Tische im Gotterkultus der
pltar') fto]j' garner Kbnigsberg i. Pr. 1917 pp. 1—3 ('Das Verhiiltnis von Tisch und


1 " ' "QJcls tl ----&----b " "" 1 Ft" ' o v —~--■ ■-------------

'nederDarstel^lat taMe and altar served the same purposes and ends by asserting: ' Wie
erir>engt 0 U?g so Wefden auch in der Sprache die beiden Kultgegenstande miteinander
^es°nclere ForM°,S ara bezeichnete mehr den allgemeinen Zweck, Tpairefa—mensa die
°'ed below It"' But llis Premises are far from secure. He thinks that the Naples vase
^6 of a table fS rePresents two tables, on one of which a fire is burning; that the
. ' APpe„d. °r anilnal burnt-offerings is proved by Diog. Laert. 4. 56 = Cougny Anth.
» *Q 0<»ttfi„ Te' 7 ^ 0 ToXXa x^uocras fipoTois, Scroi 0eots Idvov, \ oi /iovvov iffxapv*
mM4s of Paus TPa-vifo I kvUtt), XiVfi, 6v\-qhoou> 6ewv (Saure pirns; that the silver
Urptal Tpi*tfatI?" 6 and the bronze /3u/i6i of Loukian. de dea Syr. 39 were really
(ahl that an altarf —a String of highly disputable contentions. (4) I have elsewhere
strije ar>d called ar for 'he presentation of vegetable offerings was normally shaped like a
CtUre calle<j lPa*eta' w'hereas an altar for the burnt-sacrifice of animals was a solid
P<»Hos (Class. Rev. 1895 ix. 370 ff.). If so, it is natural to suppose that
