Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 3,1): Zeus god of the dark sky (earthquake, clouds, wind, dew, rain, meteorits): Text and notes — Cambridge, 1940

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The owl of Athena 803

posed to bring good luck to their wearers, and is even found in
the form of small bronze statuettes (figs. 609, 610)1 presumably
designed to serve a like practical purpose. A refinement upon the
owl-Athena was the cock-Athena, whose very absurdity would raise

Fig. 607. Fig. 608. Fig. 609. Fig. 610.

(2) Brit. Mus. Cat. Gems* p. 248 no. 2485 pi. 28 (where it is wrongly numbered
2488) a burnt agate from the Towneley collection: bird to right, with helmeted head of

'hena, carrying shield and two spears parallel.

(3) J. H. Middleton The Lewis Collection of Gems and Rings London 1892 p. 87
n°- F 10 a pale blue paste: bird ('Siren') to right, with helmeted head of Athena,
ca"ying shield with Gorgdneion and two spears parallel. Fig. 608 is from a cast of the
oriRinal (scale \).

. (4) rurtwangler Geschnitt. Steine Berlin p. 147 no. 3340 pi. 27 a cornelian: owl to
p > w'th helmeted head of Athena, carrying shield with Gorgdneion (Furtwangler ' mit

,0fgoneion auf der Brust'!) and two spears parallel; the owl stands on palm-branch
a»d wreath.

Atl P' 210 n0' 592^ P'- 4° a blown paste: owl to right, with helmeted head of

X-'na, carrying shield and spear.
Ath P' 2^ no' 7OQO I3'- 53 a red jasPer: °w] to right, with helmeted head of

Da, shouldering a spear (id. Ant. Gemmen i pi. 46, 30, ii. 222).
(j-v. Furtwangler Geschnitt. Steine Berlin p. 317 no. 8660 pi. 61 a bloodstone: owl to
fiote' W't'1 'le'metec' 'lead °^ Athena, carrying two spears parallel (Furtwangler ' Doppel-
Sn , un'er dem 1. Flligel'); the owl stands on a Gorgdneion, flanked by helmet and

e on the right, shield (?) and spear (?) on the left,
to lef( . ^' ^ar'°" Museum Odescalchum Roma; 1752 ii. 70 f. pi. 30 a bloodstone: owl
q0 ' %ytn helmeted head of Athena, carrying shield and spear; the owl stands on a
hanji to tne 's an olive-spray, to the right a pillar, on which is set a one-

a vase, and to which is bound a quiver,
Ge>n,ne Imnoof-lJlumer and O. Keller Tier- und Pflanzenbilder auf Miinzen und
*le'mT" PZI8 '^89 P- 161 pi. 26, 61 an onyx at Vienna (no. 1067): owl to left, with
Proli 11 'lea<^ °^ Athena, carrying shield and spear; the owl stands on a round base

(to) !"eant for a khte-

to rig°| lb- P- 161 pi. 26, 62 a cornelian in the Postolacca collection at Athens: owl

1 ]^UU'ler Weicker Der Seelenvogcl Leipzig 1902 p. 35 n. 1.
■^'hena Slat- 2°7 no. 1 a bronze at Avignon: owl, with helmeted head of

See'' helmcted head of Athena, carrying shield and spear,
l Cp ^rtner G. Weicker Der Seelenvogcl Leipzig 1902 p. 35 n.
tjlenaeinac'1 Rty- Stat. iii. 207 no. 1 a bronze at Avignon: owl,

et ff„ no- 2 a bronze in the Bourguignon collection [Collection d'antiquitis grecques
^hena"""" ^rovenant de ^"ptes Paris 1901 pi. 6, 206): owl, with helmeted head of
