Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Evans, Arthur J.
The Palace of Minos: a comparative account of the successive stages of the early Cretan civilization as illustred by the discoveries at Knossos (Band 1): The Neolithic and Early and Middle Minoan Ages — London, 1921

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(j 23. M.M. Ill: (H) The Temple Repositories and Royal


Treasury Quarter of Palace; Survival of pre-Palace Cult Centre;
Superficial Cists of Later Shrine; Discovery of earlier Temple Repositories
beneath them; Their Contents; M. M. Ill Pottery ; Precious relics below;
The Western Repository; Broken Stone Hammers; Remains of Treasure
Chests ; Gold foil and inlays; Comparison of inlays zvith Royal Draught-
board; Its description ; Crystal plaques zvith Silver and Kyanos backing;
Argonauts and Marguerites ; Plan and Character of Game; The ' Citadel' ;
Compared with Greek ' Polls' ; Discovery of ivory ' men '—compared with
Predynastic Egyptian type; Solar symbol on base of one of these ; Connected
zvith Minoan Goddess on mould and fresco; Reconstruction of part of
Draught-board from Temple Repository ; Parallel remains from Fourth Shaft
Grave at Mycenae ; Small ivory disks with Minoan ' Craftsmen s marks' ;
Faience inlays of Mycenae Board, ofKnossian Palace fabric ; ' Sacral Knots'
of faience associated with Board; Deposit of Gaming Boards in Tombs: Egyptian
practice ; Minoan Boards dedicated to Goddess and a special property of Dead.

It is clear from the indications of the orioinal contents of the ' kaselles ' Treasury

i • i*ii Quarter

described above that the enclave in which they were constructed, and which of Palace,
was secured by special doors and barriers sometime in the third Middle
Minoan Period, had formed a kind of Treasury Quarter of the Palace. It
would further appear that the Central Palace Shrine, situated in the
contiguous area to the East, and of which we may regard the two Pillar
Rooms as the Crypt, had possessed a special Reliquary of its own.

The discovery, beneath the entrance to the 'Vat Room' and on the Survival
borders of the East Pillar Room, of a deposit1 belonging to some shrine pfXce
that had already existed in the period that preceded the foundation of the Cult

. . . . Centre.

existing Palace, shows how persistent had been the traditional sanctity of
this region.

This religious character, as the Double Axe marks on the pillars
and the jamb blocks of the Magazine entrances show, was taken over
by the new Palace Quarter that rose on this area. That it clung to it,
moreover, to the last is evidenced by the existence of what seems to have

1 See above, p. 165 seqq. The position of this Deposit is marked a on the Plan, Fig. 322.