Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Evans, Arthur J.
The Palace of Minos: a comparative account of the successive stages of the early Cretan civilization as illustred by the discoveries at Knossos (Band 2,2): Town houses in Knossos of the new era and restored West Palace Section — London, 1928

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of' medal-
lion '

pit hoi.

M.M. Ill

with con-
cord orna-

Fig'. 211 a. Shekd showing Late Development
of Ropework Ornament (M.M. Ill b).

of the Chancel Screen '. The lower parts of a series of pit hoi had remained
in. position on the floors of the Magazines, as is generally the case with large
vessels of this kind—a <K>od indication of the orieinal date of the structure.
But these belonged to two classes, both of them characteristic of the mature
M. M. Ill Period, and showing that the house was built at a time when the
ceramic types, such as we
find them buried beneath the
Earthquake deposit in the
Palace, were still substanti-
ally preserved.

As in the restored West
Magazines of the Palace it-
self1 and in the ' House of
the Chancel Screen ',2 there
were here remains of'medal-
lion ' pilhoi, some of them in
situ, showing traces of similar
rosettes in white unfixed
paint as those of the ' pre-
seismic' Royal Magazines.

Remains of numerous examples were also found, some of them in
position, of a class of pithos very well represented in the large contemporary
houses excavated by Dr. Hatzidakis at Tylissos, West of the Knossos
district. These, which often show somewhat elongated proportions, very
characteristic of M.M. Ill tradition, are distinguished from the earlier
Middle Minoan class by a special treatment of their ropework decoration.
According to the old technique, which goes very far back, the 'ropework'
ornament had been pressed into relief by the thumbs. In place of this, some
flat instrument, probably of wood or bone,3 was now used, by which a suc-
cession of overlapping tongues of clay were produced (see Fig. 241 a).

Fragmentary remains of pithoi with this conventionalized ropework
are abundant in the ' pre-seismic' M.M. Ill deposits of the Knossian
Palace. The ornament was also transferred to smaller vessels, as is well
illustrated by the sherd (Fig. 241 a) from the M. M. Ill b filling of the ' House
of the Sacrificed Oxen '.* The pithoi of this class, of which the bases were
found on the floors of the North-Fast House, were too incomplete to admit

1 P. of 31., i, p. 562 seqq. and Fig. 109. 2 See above, p. 396.

Near the inner extremity of Magazine (5) and ' Observation of Dr. Mackenzie,

by the entrance of Magazine (10). * See above, p. 305.