Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Evans, Arthur J.
The Palace of Minos: a comparative account of the successive stages of the early Cretan civilization as illustred by the discoveries at Knossos (Band 2,2): Town houses in Knossos of the new era and restored West Palace Section — London, 1928

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§ 54- ' The Little Palace ' and its Pillar Cult : the Bull's

Head ' Rhytons'.

Discovery of ' Little Palace' ; Belongs to beginning of New Era, but with
traces of earlier structures—section of S. facade ; Site and Plan of building ;
Entrance system ; Peristyle and Megaron—magnificent suite of halls ; Lobby
and main staircase ; High gypsum door-jambs in place of ivood—symptom of
timber shortage; Crude bricks from upper stories; Sunken Lustral Area-—-
later used as Fetish Shrine; Impressions of fluted columns ; Stone lamp with
quatrefoilpedestal—Egyptian architectonic type ; Clay settlings with religious
types; Ante-room and dependencies of Lustral Area; Deep basement zvilh
Pillar Crypts—corresponding Upper Halls; Pillar Crypt in S.JV. Angle;
Double-axe stand and bull's head ' rhyton' from chamber above; The inlaid
' rhyton' of black steatite—attachments for horns and ears ; Crystal eye with
painted pupil and iris; Payed medallion over bull's forehead—taken over
from goldsmith's work; Comparison with silver ' rhyton' from Mycenae;
Parallel fragment of steatite ' rhyton' from Knossos ; Bull's head ' rhytons'
on inscribed tablet—associated with ' Vapheio' Cups; Both vi sscls among-
gifts from Kef tin to Egyptian Viziers ; 'Rhytons' inform of animals' heads
in Rckhmara Tomb ; Minoan artificer with bull's head ' rhyton ' in train of
Syrian Prince; New evidence from Tomb of User-amon; Sacrificial import
of bull's head ' rhytons—chthonian allusion ; Bull' s head ' rhyton' of painted
clay and. other ritual vessels from neighbouring deposit; Leaden figurine of
Snake Goddess from Pillar Crypt; Special significance of Pillar Crypts in
relation to Earthquakes; 'Little Palace' largely a sanctuary; Have we
here ' Expiatory Chapels' ? Paved back-yard between ' Little Palace ' and
Unexplored Mansion—possible bridge between; History of ' Little Palace'
repeats later course of greater Building; Partial overthrow at end ofL. M.
II; Partial reoccupatiou of Building.

Of the buildings in the neighbourhood of the Palace Site that must be Discovery
referred to the beginning of the New Era the largest and most important is ]>aiace'.
that which lies some 230 metres distant from it at the foot of the hill to the
West and to which the name of 'Little Palace' has been applied. There
can be no doubt that it was directly connected with the ' Theatral Area' of

11. m m