Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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hours, during which time we continued rapidly descending
an ancient paved road, formed principally of the native
marble rock, but which had been perfected with large
stones at a yery remote age: the deep ruts of chariot-
wheels were apparent in many places. The road is much
worn by time; and the people of a later age, diverging
from the track, have formed a road with stones very in-
ferior both in size and arrangement.

About half an hour before I reached the plain at the foot
of this mountain, a view burst upon me through the cliffs,
so far exceeding the usual beauty of nature as to seem like
the work of magic. I looked down from the rocky steps of
the throne of winter, upon the rich and verdant plain of
summer, with the blue sea in the distance, and on either
side, like outstretched arms, ranges of mountains bounding
the bay of Pamphylia. This splendid view passed like a
dream; for the continual turns in the road, and the increas-
ing richness of the woods and vegetation, soon limited my
view to a mere foreground. JS"or was this without its in-
terest; on each projecting rock stood an ancient sarcophagus,
and the trees half concealed the lids and broken sculpture
of innumerable tombs. A colossal recumbent lion without
a head, probably having formed the top of some monument,
and seats supported by the claws of lions, were amongst the
ruins; in one or two places were small remains of Cyclopean
walls, perhaps only foundations to perfect the natural rocks,
so as to support the tombs above.

Several columns of the Corinthian order were scattered
about; but even from these I was unable to ascertain the
exact site of the city, which could not however have
been far distant from this spot. I should have searched
further, had I not anticipated finding the town in the
ruins below me, to which I was directed by my guide;
but on my arrival I found that these were of little interest,
being slightly-built Venetian castles, with their peculiar


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