Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Form: a quarterly of the arts — 1.1916/​1917

DOI issue:
Nr. 1
DOI article:
Spare, Austin Osman; Carter, Frederick: Automatic drawing
DOI Page / Citation link: 

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Automatic Drawing

produce ideas of threat, displeasure or fear, and
become obsessions.

IN the ecstatic condition of revelation from
the subconscious, the mind elevates the sex-
ual or inherited powers (this has no reference
to moral theory or practise) and depresses the
intellectual qualities. So a new atavistic respons-
ibility is attained by daring to believe—to possess
one’s own beliefs—without attempting to ration-
alize spurious ideas from prejudiced andtainted in-
tellectual sources.

AUTOMATIC drawings can be obtained
by such methods as concentrating on a
Sigil—by any means of exhausting mind
and body pleasantly in order to obtain a condition
of non-consciousness—by wishing in opposition
to the real desire after acquiring an organic im-
pulse towards drawing.

THE Hand must be trained to work freely
and without control, by practise in
making simple forms with a continuous
involved line without afterthought, i. e. its intention
should just escape consciousness.

DRAWINGS should be made by allowing
the hand to run freely with the least
posssible deliberation. In time shapes
will be found to evolve, suggesting conceptions,
forms and ultimately having personal or indi-
vidual style.

THE Mind in a state of oblivion, without
desire towards reflection or pursuit of
materialistic intellectual suggestions,is in
a condition to produce successful drawings of
one’s personal ideas, symbolic in meaning and

By this means sensation may be visualized.
