Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Form: a quarterly of the arts — 1.1916/​1917

DOI Heft:
Nr. 1
DOI Artikel:
De la Mare, Walter: The leaden statue
DOI Artikel:
Sackville, Margaret: To -
DOI Artikel:
Massingham, Harold J.: Recipe for an imagist poem
DOI Seite / Zitierlink: 

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i S pcak not — wKisper nof;

I ere bloveedi thyme and betgamot"
on die evenitiy hout—

S ecret herbs tlieit' spice? sliowet>

tarkrsptked tosemat^ and m^trk
ean-stalked, purple lavender;

“ ides widiin her bosomrtoof
.\lt her sonvws? hitterrue.

t'teathe not—treapass notr;

Lf this gneen and darklirg^ spot"
atticed irom the moon heatns
Ferchance a distant dreamer dreams;
f erchance upon its darkened atr~

\ he unseen ghosts of children iare
.Fatnt^t stnginy, swa^y and sweept
L. ike love^> sea -flowers tn its deep;
Cklhtle unmoved tto watch and ward
C td its gloomd and daisted swatd,

5 tarids with bowedrand desyy head
k. hatr one littU teaden lad.

AValter <k lalMarrT^


0 ay flatnes & wastes.a shrinktn^ tw'iUjhtialis
_ nfiakes of storm-tossed q;loom;
k. he sea hreaks duth^ on the tow sea-walts,

A nd dtmugh the sttllen darkness teaps $ catls
C utside my iltv-lit room.

' utside 1 1 Usten by tlte fire C& heat—

Ci. hat the toud darkness says;

A hl but this voice whtch btntgs tktiightscuear
hat art thou watUng, comfortkss <St clear
A cross the toud sea-wa^ys?


. oice of the ntghtr hast thou dun met my faend,
1 L ost voice btown from the sea ?
i is passion with tliy passton does tt btend?

o l he has called upou dte night to setid
otd throtgh her wtnds to tne.

rtend, I await >your ttditw: here I siT"
etbre tny shtp-wood natne;
his daily flatne trry quiet hatids have lit~'

B tims bricht whtlst 1 keep watch & ward oer itT
S tiU waltuig — still the same.

hilst over toud &,taging seas,the dream
tges you on apace.—

. ou catch on alleti shores,the flercer gteam
f other hres than these-wtld fttvs whkh stream
Fulitn tlie tnidntght^ face.

v 1 hat ts ^your message itvm ihe sea - what uews

0 h l frtertd tts this yoa bear ?

V he wortd ts waittngrIam waitiug:— choose
S oine suddett thunder when the storms ate toose,
tTo btvak die sttence here,

hat has the sea theu taught^you^Wi have sfjut|
he sheltered room rthe otd
S afe wqys—but say what tesson have youteamed?
wait - oh tyou whose eyes have nightwards tumed
C ilt the tiew tale is told.

ere axt warm daysrthe comfortable hearth

1 ototland steep at nightt

illyou not tett us what these tiungs are worth ?
h! fthend of mine r do you possess the earth?—

! wait tn tl\e ftre-ligktT

IVlatgiret Sackvtlle-r-0


he sky is jaundtced.

v hc bnown btrds make indentations tn the—

% ature btwds white snow,

S pasmodical^.

y heartgapcs Uke the yetlow $ky.

gainst the white futitity of nry bosom,

L ike the feet of a staccato browttbird

B roodingtyf

^ Hatx»td Alassttagliam
