Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Form: a quarterly of the arts — 1.1916/​1917

DOI issue:
Nr. 1
DOI article:
Squire, J. C.: Fragment from a memorial ode
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So you Aro oeAo LiKe All Tbe oibeK dbAd...

Youarenot kcre, but l am kere alonc ;

~\vui cvening falis, fustng trcc; water ank stone
Into a violet ciotk, ani tkc frati ask-trce kt55C5
Oiitk a soft skarpne^s Likc a fali oF mouruleci grain *

~And a steamer sofELy pufflng alortg tke river passes,

Drawiton afiie of barges; and siience falis again.

v\ni a beil tones; and tke eveninj iarkens; anci in sparse rank.

Tke tjreenisk Ugkfcs wcii out aiong tke otker batxlc.

1 kave no fbrce leffimow; tke slgkts and souruis irnpinge
tlpon me unres*isted; iike raindrops on tke mouici .
wAnd, strivin j not against my meianckoiy mooci,

Lunp as a door tkat kartgs upon one faillng kinge,

Lurtp; witk siack; marrowless artns arui tklgks, 1 sit arui brooci
On deatk arui cLeatlr arui kcatk . SKx\A qulet; tkin aruL coici,
poiiowlru^ ofitkis one frierui tke kopeless; kelpiess gkosfi
ike weale; appealing wraitks of notabie men of olci
tiiko clied; drtft tkrougktke air; arui tken;kost affierkost
lnnumerable; overwkeiming;; witkout fbrm,

Roiitng across tke sky *m awfitL stlcnt storm,

Tke myriads of tke umdifterentiatecL kcari
iilkom none recordcd, or of wkom tke recorcl faded.

OspecTAcLe AppaLlimgLy subLicdgi

l sce tke universe one k>rtg dlsastrous strife;

And irt tke staggering abysses of baduvard ami fbrwarci tune
Dcatk ckasurg kard. upon tke keeis of creatuig life.

And l, 1 see rnyseif as orte ofa kcap of stortes
aicttcd. a morncnt to Ufe as tkc f lyirtg wave qocs over>

Onward and never retxtmirtj, Leaving no mark bekind...

Tkerek rtotking to kope fbr. "Blank ccssatlon ruxmbs my mind;
And 1 fcei my kcart tkumptng gloorny against its cover,

A.nd my kcavy beiiy kanging fiom rrty bortcs.

