Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

H.-Gilhofer-und-H.-Ranschburg-Aktiengesellschaft <Luzern> [Editor]
Bibliothek Alexander Fürst Dietrichstein, Schloß Nikolsburg, Č.S.R. (Band 1): Bestehend aus den Sammlungen des Nürnberger Humanisten und Stadtarztes Hieronymus Münzer (Monetarius), 1440 - 1508, dessen Schwiegersohn und Erbe Hieronymus Holzschuher, Freund Albrecht Dürer's 81469 - 1529), und des Ferdinand Hoffman, Freiher auf Grünpühel und Strechau (1540 - 1607): Versteigerung in Luzern: Dienstag, den 21., und Mittwoch, den 22. November 1933 (Katalog Nr. 11) — Luzern, 1933

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XXI. Jagd- und Pfepdebücher

700 AITINGER, C. Vollständiges Jagd- und Weydbüchlein. Von dem Vogelstellen. Cas-
sel 1681. qu.-8. Mit Titelkpfr. u. 52 K u p f. Alter Pergtbd.

Schwerdt I, 8. Mit altem Wappen-Exlibris.

701 (AMMAN, JOST.) Adeliche Weydwercke, Das ist ausführliche Beschreibung vom
Jagen. Prag, Wussin, 1699. 4. Mit Titelkpfr. (Diana) u. zahlr. gest. Text-
abbildgn. nach J. Amman. Ppbd.

Schwerdt I, 29. Titelkupfer ausgebessert, stellenweise fleckig.

702 ANWEISUNG, gründliche alle Arten Vögel zu fangen. Nürnberg 1754. 8. Mit T i -
telkupf. u. 45 Kupf. Hpergtbd.


SIVE DE NATURA AVIUM RAPACIUM, et de eorum infirmitatibus et me-
dicamine, lib. IV. — Venice, 1370. — Manuscript on 62 leaves vellum. Folio. —
Very probably the author's autograph carefully written in a bold, rather
heavy, gothic hand, with initials, chapter-headings and rubrication in red
and blue. In a XV. cent. Venetian binding of brown moroeco decorated in

A very valuable and important Italian XIV"1 Century work on the Nature of
different breeds of falcons and hawks and on their training, their diseases and treat-
ment. The author, Andrea Bragadin, a member of the famous Venetian noble fa-
mily, does not appear to be known so far to any historian or bibliographer of
hawking-books, or of literature in general. His very substantial and detailed treati-
se is undoubtedly an original composition written by him in a curious vulgär Latin,
showing clear traces that the author's own language was not only Italian, but spe-
cially the Venetian dialect (he writes e. g. „aspertus" for „expertus", „hexaminare"
etc.) Neither Harting („Bibl. Accipitraria") nor Weerth in his bibliography of
works on Hawking (in „Romania" XII. XIII.) have any trace of this book or its
author. The treatise is obviously based on Frederick II.'s fundamental „De Arte
venandi cum Avibus" and on the Arabic falconers (Dancus, Moamyn etc.) though
we have found no explicit quotation of any earlier authority.

The final colophon on fol. 61 verso reads:

„Exsplicit liber quarto et ultimo, scripto et compilato per me Andreas bragadino,
Nobilis veneciarum ciuii, Curendo anni domini nostri hiessu XPI Millesimo tre-
centessimo Septuagessimo, die ultimo menssis Junii. In Venetiis. In contrata sei
Geminiani in domo patris meis, qui hodie vivit, et vocatur domino Jacobo bragadino,
Nobilis venetiarum ciuii; et est valde sapiens homo."

A perfect and well preserved original MS of an unknown mediaeval hawking

Siehe Tafel 38.