Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Gilhofer & Ranschburg (Wien); Gilhofer, Buch- und Kunstantiquariat; Gilhofer & Ranschburg
Katalog (Nr. 216): Geschichte des Mittelalters und des Reformations-Zeitalters: Geschichte der europäischen und aussereuropäischen Staaten von der Völkerwanderung bis zum Westfälischen Frieden : Geschichte der Kreuzzüge, die Entdeckung Amerikas, der dreissigjährige Krieg, der Abfall der Niederlande, die Türkenkriege — Wien: Gilhofer & Ranschburg, 1929

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2902 Acosta, Jos. de. Historie naturael en mo-
rael van de Westersche Indien. Waer
inne ghehandelt wort van de merckelijckste
dinghen des Hemels, Elementen, Metalen,
Planten ende Gedierten van dien. Als oock
de Manieren, Ceremonien, Wetten, Regeerin-
gen ende Oorlogen der Indianen. Ut den
Spaenschen in onse Nederduytsche täte
overgheset door J. H. v. Linschoten.
Amsterdam 1624. 4t0. With woodcut on
title and 12 woodcuts in the text. Modern
hf. calf. 120.—
Second and lastDutch edition of the
first book on the natural history of America. It is
written for the greater part on the West-Indies. The
author, Joseph de Acosta, one of the most in-
teresting and valuable of the early Spanish writers
upon America, lived 17 years among the Indians of
Peru. In cosequence there areto be found in his book
relations of the history and wars ofthe Indians, most
curious details of the Aborigines before their peculiar
customs had become modified by contact with the
whites, etc. The woodcuts represent animals, human
sacrifices, pearl-fishery, single-fights, priests etc.
The 4 leaves of the Register are cut rather
short with loss of a few letters, slight stains in places,
otherwise good copy.
2903 Ahnert, Chr. G. Lehrbegriff der Wissen-
schaften, Erfordernisse und Rechte der Ge-
sandten. 2 Bde. Dresden 1784. 8. Hldr.
Mit gest. Wappenexlibris. 30.—
2904 Archiv f. Hessische Gesch. u. Altertums-
kunde. N. F. Bd. I und II, Heft 1. Darm-
stadt 1893-95. 8. br. 5.-
2905 Asserus. Aelfredi Regis res gestae. Cum
praef. S. Gregorii. — Walsingham, Th.
Historia brevis ab Edwardo pnmo ad Hen-
ricum quintum. Londini, Henr. Binneman,
1574. — Idem. Ypodigma Neustriae velNor-
manniae, ab irruptione Normannorum usque
ad annum 6. regni Henrici V. London, Joh.
Day, 1574. 3 pts. in 1 vol. fol.
Coll.: (I) Title with portr. of Alfred
within a fine woodcut-border with
representations of famous geographers, my-
thological figures and signs of the zodiac,
signed "J. B.”, 4 11. preface, 40 p. text, Latin
in anglo-saxon characters, 2 11. Preface
(how S. Gregorie this book made) in anglo-
saxon with English interlinear version, the
same in Latin, last leaf blank. — (II) Title
within a nice ornamental border, on
the reverse the portraits of 6 Kings,
3 11. preface, 1 1. table, 485 p. of text, 4 11.
Index with printer’s mark at end. Last leaf
blank. — (III) Title in a fine architect.
border, on the reverse the portraits of
7 Dukes of Normandy, 1 1. table of the
years, 1 1. dedication, text p. 3—199, 5 p.
Index. — Bound in full Russia, with a small
gilt border on the covers, inside dent., g, e.
(The Britwell copy). 360.—

Lowdes V, 2, 2826. Brunet I, 530 and V, 1410.
A very rare work on the early history of England
consisting of three separate books which are difficult
to be found united. With fine woodcut-illustrations
which belong to the earliest ones made in England.
Apart from the three beautiful title-borders, there are
several bust-portraits of Kings and of the Dukes of
Normandy, and some very fine initials such as the C
with Archhishop Matthew Parker’s Arms, dated 1574.
Asser’s Life of Alfred is further remarkable for
its printing in an Anglo-Saxon type specially cut for
this book. This is the first such type ever designed,
and a remarkably successful achievement of English
type-founding. The types are modelled on the Anglo-
Saxon script type found in the earlist English MSS.
Ass er, on Asserius Menevensis, was an bis-
hop, died ca. 910. His account on the life of Alfred
the Great is an important historical source being largely
drawn from personal knowledge. — Thomas Wal-
singham, a renowned chronicler, died ca. 1422,
Very fine copy.
2906 Bachmann, Ad. Die ersten Versuche zu e.
römisch. Königswahl unter Friedrich III.
O. O. u. J. ca. 1860. 8. br. (S.-A.) 4.—
2907 (Bilain, A.) Traitte des droits de la reyne
tres-chrestienne sur divers estats de la mo-
narchie d’Espagne. Suivant la copies de
l’Imprim. Royale. Paris 1667. 12. br. 12.—
2907a Biographie, Allgemeine Deutsche. Hrsg,
durch die Historische Komission bei der
kgl. Akademie der Wissenschaften (zu Mün-
chen). 56 Bde. (55 Bde. Text u. 1 Bd. Re-
gister.) Leipzig 1875—1912. gr.-8. Hfrz.
Tadelloses Exemplar. 400.—
2908 Collecciön de documentos ineditos para
la historia de Espana por el Marques de
La Fuensanta del Valle, Don Jose,
Sancho Rayön y Don Franc, de Za-
bälburn. Tomo 98. /Madrid 1881. in-8.
br. 5.—
Sammlung von Urkunden u. Briefen aus den
Jahren 1556—1563.
2909 DILLINGER U. KRAKO. — Darstellung,
geschichtliche, d. Kampfes zwischen Hanns
Dollinger u. Krako i. J. 930 zu Regens-
burg. Aus d. ältesten Urkunden. Regens-
burg 1814. Mit Titel- und 2 Text-Kupfern.
Blaues Papier. In 2 rohen Bogen. 4.—
2910 — 4 Broschüren über ihren Zweikampf (930)
nebst e. handgeschr. Theaterzettel. Regens-
burg 1816-68. 8. br. 9.-
2911 Eichmann, E. Die röm. Eide d. deutschen
Könige. Weimar 1916. 8. br. (S.-A.) 4.—
2912 Falke, J. Die ritterl. Gesellschaft im Zeit-
alter d. Frauencultus. Berl. o. J. 8. br. 2.40
2913 (Gomez, Mme Madel. Angelique de). Anec-
dotes ou Histone secrette de la Maison
Ottomane. 4 vol. Amsterd. 1722. in-16.
d. vel. 20.—
Gay I, 214.
