Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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must be made to hold the Collector's Court-house, as
in the Treasury, which adjoins it, there were some very
valuable jewels. English troops occasionally passed
through Benares but could not be spared to remain here.
It was on one such occasion that the opportunity was
taken to disarm the 37th Native Infantry, which had been
manifesting indications of restlessness. The attempt was
made but it meant a wild and anxious time for a few
hours, though the exact bearing of events does not
come out very clearly. There were probably different
elements in the different regiments, and it may be that
the soldiers themselves did not understand very plainly
what was being attempted, and how it would personally
affect them. Under the circumstances we need not be
surprised if the incidents were somewhat confused, both
in their occurrence and in their record. Suffice it to
say that there was some sharp fighting, and some splendid
pluck and judgment manifested by a certain Captain 01-
pherts. Colonel NeilPs coming was most opportune, and
the dangerous days were passed during his stay of four
or five days here. Some of the Indian servants of the
Government also appear to have rendered valuable help,
their loyalty, tact, and bravery being worthy of high
praise. The state of the city caused considerable anxiety,
for it seemed doubtful what might happen. The Raja of
Benares, however, remained loyal, probably many of the
wavering ones took their cue from him, and threw in
their lot with the loyalists. It was at that time that the
old Rajghat Fort, lying between the present site of the
Kashi Railway Station and the Barna River, was re-forti-
fied, and from this position the city could be more easily
overawed. These fortifications no longer exist, the ruins
of them were probably broken down when the present
Dufferin Bridge was being erected, but they must have
remained standing for a long time. I recently travelled