Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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north. Taking a straight line from the Panch-Ganga
Ghat in a north-westernly direction the city has a breadth
of something like three miles, reaching as far as the old
stone bridge over the Barna. To the west of this line at
its northern end lies the European quarter, with the re-
sidences of many of the civilians and military officers, the
barracks, and, beyond those, the railway quarters.

On the other side of the Barna are the principal
Courts (the Commissioner's, the Collector's, and other
Magistrates'), the Treasury, and a house occupied by the
Lieutenant-Governor during official visits. Here also the
Club has its home, with its Tennis Courts, Gardens,
Swimming Bath, etc. At present the Judge's Court
stands away from the others, to the south of the Barna,
but materials are being collected for a new Court close
to the Collector's, Near to the Courts are the residences
of the Commissioner and the Judge, and some distance
beyond those that of the Civil Surgeon. Opposite the
Club is the Bank of Bengal, a modern well-built brick
building, with its offices on the ground floor and the up-
per story used as the residence of the Manager. On a
road running east from the Courts are the District Jail,
the Cemetery, and the Kali Shankar Asylum. This Asy-
lum was endowed by the late Raja Kali Shankar Ghosal;
it includes alms-houses for the blind, for lepers, and
others, and has a dispensary and small hospital. The Civil
Surgeon has the direct charge of the Institution, but its
general management is under a committee. Along this
road are several good residences. In former times these
were official residences, but now many of them are occu-
pied by private Indian gentlemen. To the north of this
road are the Police lines and a large Lunatic Asylum.

The Provincial Jail is about a mile from the Club, on
a road running west. This has extensive grounds, and
is capable of accommodating 2000 prisoners.