Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Griffith, Francis Ll.
The inscriptions of Siût and Dêr Rîfeh — London, 1889

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Erman. Many of the emendations of these great
scholars appear in the notes upon the Plates, while
the queries of Professor Erman have besides un-
earthed several faults that I had committed in re-
copying, and that I was able quietly to correct
without impairing the genuineness of the text.
Where I found clear corroboration of a queried sign
in Arundale's copies, or a proof of some kind in my
own, the word sic is inserted on the Plate; where
I still feel a doubt the suggestion has been placed
in a note.

I am not quite satisfied with the numbering of the
lines. To combine logic with convenience is not
easy, and I have simply followed the numbers in my
note-book, proceeding in each tomb from the interior
to the facade.

All signs not in existence in January, 1887, are
treated as restorations. Where no authority is
stated for a restored sign it is conjectural. For the
meaning of abbreviations etc., vide Plate XX.

In the following notes I use the word band in the
sense of the French registre when describing scenes
superposed on the same wall; and in connection
with doorways, the word framing denotes the lintel
and jambs (which of course are cut in the solid
rock), and thickness of wall is the part in which
sculptures are seen to right and left in passing
through the door.


Tombs I and II. The first is elaborate; the scheme
of the second seems not to have been completely
carried out.

Tomb I.
(See PL I-X, and Plan, PL III.)
The sculptures are raised about 6 feet above the
floor, over a plain band or dado.

Shrine.—Sculpture only, no painting. At top
Back (west) wall two bands—■

(1) upper, 1. 1-4, MS. Diimichen.

(2) a. South half defaced, probably similar to

north, or else statue in the round ?

b. North half, H. seated *»-»-, in front 3 female
relations standing holding lotus flowers
<-m, 1. 5-12, MSS. Brugsch and Diimi-
chen (continued smaller in 5th band,
north wall);
also (3) below the 6 feet level, a, centre defaced lower

part of statue ?, h, on south a false door,

1. 13-15, much defaced.

South wall, PI. I and II, 5 bands of equal height,
the upper scene comprising 4.

(l)-(4) at west end H. seated -*-»; above him
titles, 1. 20-25, Mariette, Mon. Div. 686, MSS.
Brugsch and Diimichen; in front, table of
offerings, 1. 65 : (1) (2) names of offerings in
two rows, 1. 26-64: (3) priests performing
services, I 66-7 J : (4) priests, etc., bringing
offerings, 1. 72-73.
(5) family headed by two sons, 1. 74-76, offering
(to the defaced figure or statue on back
North wall, PL II and III, similar to south but

(l)-(4) H. before table »-»-, receiving offerings,

1. 85-133 (1. 80-85 = Mariette, Mon. Div.,

68a, MS. Diimichen).

(5) family offering, 1. 134 (continued 1. 5-12 on

the back wall).

East wall (and entrance) now blasted away, PL II,

scenes 1-8, now destroyed, are from Descr. Ant.

IV, PL 45. In the text they are said to have filled

the spaces between the doorway and the side walls.

Probably there were five bands, as on the side walls,

but perhaps only four : no space over the doorway ?.

I have assigned the eight scenes in the Description

to the north and south according to direction of

figures. A portion of scene 4 remains at the top of

the wall on the north.

Walls of chamber surrounding shrine and passage
formerly with paint on plaster?

Great hall.—Ceiling painted on plaster with
basket and scroll-work, cornice painted □□ and A
blue on greenish-black: line of titles (blue) down
the centre from south to north, defaced.

West wall, traces of painted scenes at south end.
Central doorway, inscriptions incised and painted
green; destroyed except 1. 150-155, which are very
much damaged; 1. 155a insert "L—> (copy): at end of
1. 154 I have omitted i| (restored).

South doorway, inscription incised and painted
green, framing 1. 160-163; thickness of wall on south,
1.170-174, copy lost, from MS. Diimichen, corrected by
notes and recollection. Top of 1. 173 very doubtful,
the rest almost certain. Thickness of wall north,

North doorway incised only, framing 1. 180-185.
South wall, defaced or blank.
North wall, traces of painted scenes.