Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Griffith, Francis Ll.
The inscriptions of Siût and Dêr Rîfeh — London, 1889

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East wall, south side of cloor, PI. IV-V, scene
painted in colours on plaster, inscription incised and
painted, 1. 210-249. A portion of the wall palimpsest,
the early text from left to right -*-m: inscription
much damaged and reading still uncertain in some
places. Arundale's complete copy shows the wall
in almost the same state as now. I have improved
my copy of the figure from it: he indicates the un-
broken corner of the wall on the left of the scene,
thus there are no lines missing. His drawing of
the figure explains my finding that the outline of it
had been marked with a lead pencil.

210. 211 v. PI. XXI.

223a. Not in Arundale: it should therefore be

241a. %nt matu-f E.

b. mh ab E. but Arundale as text.

North side of door, PI. VI-VIII, incised and painted
green. MSS. Arundale, Brugsch and Diimichen (MS.
Mariette partly collated by Prof. Maspero without
result). After subjecting the copy to every possible
test, I have detected two errors, 1. '209a and 324a.

Perhaps also 1. 295 sic ? &__D ? where the sign seems

to have been imperfect. Some parts of the text are
very indistinct, especially at the base, and a portion
is palimpsest.

262-4 v. PL XXI.

270a. The restoration is almost certain.
273a, 282a, insert o=o (copy).
291a. o perhaps from the palimpsest.
© o I tk -A <-

317a. or



320. Top, Maspero, Trans. Soc. Bibl. Arch., restores
[^ <=> <-=^ <------1 but ?

325. In my own copy only: the restoration was
suggested by 1. 313, and confirmed by the faint traces
on the wall.

Entrance.—Incised, not painted.

Thickness of wall on south, 1. 330-336. My copy
lost. Copy in PI. IX worthless except for comparison
with that in PI. XX. The lower half of 1. 330-1 is
destroyed. Arundale has two copies, (1) fol. 18 without
ladder, (2) fol. 68 evidently with ladder, and ex-
cellent; the inscription is thus complete except ex-
treme base of 1. 330-1. The copy seems to be exact
excepting two or three very slight errors. The
figure of H. (alterations seen owing to the plaster

having fallen off) is the only example in the tomb
with wig, beard, and divided skirt.

Thickness of wall, north, 1. 337-342. My copy
lost, and I have found no others.

Framing 1. 345-359. The upper lines are in bad
condition. MSS. Brugsch, Diimichen, Nestor de

346a. Inserted only to show the width of the gap.

351a. Cf. 1. 340.

Entrance passage.—Boof arched with star pattern
painted blue on yellow? or dark green? Cornice
□□ of various colours.

South side. Traces of scenes painted on plaster;
at outer end remains of incised inscription, 1. 370-3;
probably others preceded them. Originally each line
of same length as those on north side.

North side. Incised inscription, 1. 380-418, PI.
IX-X, on a palimpsest wall; much altered and
corrected by the mason, and damaged by incrusta-
tions, etc. Hoping to find other versions I did not
revise minutely, it being the most difficult of all to
copy. M. Maspero quotes parallel pyramid texts,
1. 388-404 = Unas 269-294 (Rec. de trav., Ill, p. 214
ff.), and Horhotep, 148-166 (Mem. Miss. Arch. Franc.
Caire, II, p. 144 ff.).

Tomb II.

Single chamber, formerly with pillars and sculp-
tured entrance, now destroyed. PI. X and XX.

West wall, two real doorways with traces of
inscriptions (but no excavated passage beyond).
On lintel of southern doorway inscription painted
green, 1. 1-2.

East wall, traces of inscription.
Entrance. Thickness of wall, south, 1. 3-10 from

Mariette, etc.
„ ,, north, 1.11-18 from

Rouge, etc.
12a, 13a. I have mis-copied Rouge, who reads

n ii i q l

Framing, 19-22, PL X and XX, from MSS. Nestor
de l'Hote, Arundale; photograph Petrie. The portions
in the photograph are dotted, but all is somewhat
obscure and uncertain. Hieroglyphs curiously

Facade on south side of doorway, 1. 23, visible on

„ north „ ruined anciently.