<mH hnt, "black clay," in Pap. Eb., lxvii. 17;
Copt. OOIK;.
/. 27. nryw, "vultures," as the name of
the disease, similarly in 1. 28 the name is
" bindings (?) " (Masp.).
I. 34. Vw. As Erman (Lebensmuder, p. 50,
note) suggests, this "washing-time" seems to
be a division of the day, in Pyr. indicating the
time of the morning meal.
I. 36. h>'wi, cf. Siut, Tomb iv., 1. 27 (?).
I. 37. Mi, not " rag," some sort of garment
or shroud. Pyr. M., 11. 125, 760.
I. 38. Lange rightly points out that m is
prohibitive : " do nothing unto her " ; so also
in 1. 45.
PI. VI., I. 3. sbnt cf. Eem., Lebensm.,
p. 52 (Lange).
/. 10. mstt, cf. Max Muller, Asian u. Europa,
p. 77, note 3.
PI. VII., 11. 20-22. " Si apres s'etre allonge
en hurlant a terre l'animal y tombe, dire a cela
' Ce sont les prostrations mysterieuses ' " :
Icsw being the attitude of the dog in howling
pth, intransitive, " fall,"Amenemheb, 1.46, and
with r t>, Koptos, viii., 1. 6; transitive, " let
fall," with r t>, as here, in Pyr. P., 603,
N., 1155.
ttn seems not to occur elsewhere. It can
hardly be the object of pth, and so " a howl(?)."
Translate perhaps: " if afterwards he sinks
whining (?) to the ground, let him fall."
hr hrf is a direction.
I. 24. hmw, " forefeet," eitouo brachium,
cubitus (Masp.).
I. 28. kmih cf. Pap. Eb., xcvi. 2, A
I. 29. snf kfn, cf. Pap. Eb., xcvi. 17, "clotted
blood" (Masp.).
II. 37, 64. wdn, "heavy"; 1. 53, "inert"
/. 66. Read wrmyt as in Pap. Eb., vi. 10, 16
NOTES, &c. ]01
PL VIII. Reviewed by Maspero, Journal des
Savants, Avril 1897, pp. 217 et seqq.; Cantor,
Orientalistische Litterahcr-zeitung, 1898, 306.
II. 13, 14. See an explanation by Borohardt,
A. Z., 1897, 150, rejected however by Cantor.
I. 42. hiyt, " excess " (?) (Oefele).
I. 43. Read "tax" for " produce" (Masp.).
I. 44. rht. The derivation is perhaps from
rh, cf. mit (also masc.) from ml.
I. 51. Maspero admirably explains that the
number 11 refers to months of the year: the
first month's contribution, to the value of 45
ducks out of a total annual value of 100, has
been paid, and the calculation is intended to
find how much has now to be paid in equal
monthly instalments. It may further be ob-
served that the 12 birds given in the first
month are made up of 4 kinds, 3 to each kind,
and correspond, perhaps intentionally, to the
year made up of 12 months in 3 seasons of
4 months, or at least suggest that on New
Year's day one example of each kind was
customarily given for each season of the year.
Pis. IX.-Xm. Legal Documents. Reviewed
by Maspero, Journal des Savants, Fev. 1898,
pp. 98 et seqq.
Many of these documents have been described
or translated by the author in Wills in Ancient
Egypt, reprinted from the Law Quarterly Bevieiv,
January, 1898. Sir Fred. Pollock, Professor of
Jurisprudence at Oxford, considers that "these
dispositions are either true wills or in the very
last stage preceding the formation of a law of
testamentary succession."
PI. IX. The whole of the papers in Lots I.
and II., both letters and legal documents, seem
to relate almost exclusively to the Arabian
nome: the only clear connexion with the
Kahun district is found in the first line of
II. 1, on PI. xiii. It may be that the papers
were documents adjudicated upon in a royal
p 2
<mH hnt, "black clay," in Pap. Eb., lxvii. 17;
Copt. OOIK;.
/. 27. nryw, "vultures," as the name of
the disease, similarly in 1. 28 the name is
" bindings (?) " (Masp.).
I. 34. Vw. As Erman (Lebensmuder, p. 50,
note) suggests, this "washing-time" seems to
be a division of the day, in Pyr. indicating the
time of the morning meal.
I. 36. h>'wi, cf. Siut, Tomb iv., 1. 27 (?).
I. 37. Mi, not " rag," some sort of garment
or shroud. Pyr. M., 11. 125, 760.
I. 38. Lange rightly points out that m is
prohibitive : " do nothing unto her " ; so also
in 1. 45.
PI. VI., I. 3. sbnt cf. Eem., Lebensm.,
p. 52 (Lange).
/. 10. mstt, cf. Max Muller, Asian u. Europa,
p. 77, note 3.
PI. VII., 11. 20-22. " Si apres s'etre allonge
en hurlant a terre l'animal y tombe, dire a cela
' Ce sont les prostrations mysterieuses ' " :
Icsw being the attitude of the dog in howling
pth, intransitive, " fall,"Amenemheb, 1.46, and
with r t>, Koptos, viii., 1. 6; transitive, " let
fall," with r t>, as here, in Pyr. P., 603,
N., 1155.
ttn seems not to occur elsewhere. It can
hardly be the object of pth, and so " a howl(?)."
Translate perhaps: " if afterwards he sinks
whining (?) to the ground, let him fall."
hr hrf is a direction.
I. 24. hmw, " forefeet," eitouo brachium,
cubitus (Masp.).
I. 28. kmih cf. Pap. Eb., xcvi. 2, A
I. 29. snf kfn, cf. Pap. Eb., xcvi. 17, "clotted
blood" (Masp.).
II. 37, 64. wdn, "heavy"; 1. 53, "inert"
/. 66. Read wrmyt as in Pap. Eb., vi. 10, 16
NOTES, &c. ]01
PL VIII. Reviewed by Maspero, Journal des
Savants, Avril 1897, pp. 217 et seqq.; Cantor,
Orientalistische Litterahcr-zeitung, 1898, 306.
II. 13, 14. See an explanation by Borohardt,
A. Z., 1897, 150, rejected however by Cantor.
I. 42. hiyt, " excess " (?) (Oefele).
I. 43. Read "tax" for " produce" (Masp.).
I. 44. rht. The derivation is perhaps from
rh, cf. mit (also masc.) from ml.
I. 51. Maspero admirably explains that the
number 11 refers to months of the year: the
first month's contribution, to the value of 45
ducks out of a total annual value of 100, has
been paid, and the calculation is intended to
find how much has now to be paid in equal
monthly instalments. It may further be ob-
served that the 12 birds given in the first
month are made up of 4 kinds, 3 to each kind,
and correspond, perhaps intentionally, to the
year made up of 12 months in 3 seasons of
4 months, or at least suggest that on New
Year's day one example of each kind was
customarily given for each season of the year.
Pis. IX.-Xm. Legal Documents. Reviewed
by Maspero, Journal des Savants, Fev. 1898,
pp. 98 et seqq.
Many of these documents have been described
or translated by the author in Wills in Ancient
Egypt, reprinted from the Law Quarterly Bevieiv,
January, 1898. Sir Fred. Pollock, Professor of
Jurisprudence at Oxford, considers that "these
dispositions are either true wills or in the very
last stage preceding the formation of a law of
testamentary succession."
PI. IX. The whole of the papers in Lots I.
and II., both letters and legal documents, seem
to relate almost exclusively to the Arabian
nome: the only clear connexion with the
Kahun district is found in the first line of
II. 1, on PI. xiii. It may be that the papers
were documents adjudicated upon in a royal
p 2