102 kahun
or wazir's court held temporarily at Ankh
Usertesen. It is certain that they were found
near the citadel of the town. The two letters
on PI. xxix. seem addressed from the Arabian
nome, perhaps to Kahun. The " ha of the
king," whose favour is desired in the second
letter on PI. xxix. (1. 43), may be the dead
king at Hetep Usertesen; and Lab, to whom
this letter was written, may well be the
" scribe of Hetep Usertesen and Ankh User-
tesen, Pab" (above, p. 88, seals in Illahun).
But that there was a connexion of the
Sopdite family with the royal cities in
Middle Egypt in the reign of Amenemhat III.
seems indicated by the names of Ahy (cf.
Ahy in Pis. xii., xiii.) and SaVusersepdu in
Pap. VI. 14 (PI. xiv., 1. 64), a document which
.must be attributed to that date. Also, in
PI. xii., 1. 5, there is a reference to the
registration (?) of a Sopdite deed by a southern
official in the same reign. It is not clear,
however, that the Sopdite family migrated
bodily to Kahun; even in the latest of the
documents on PI. ix. there is much reference
to Lower Egypt, though the occurrence of
the name Senefru suggests that the child so
named was born in the neighbourhood of
the Medum pyramid, and the red symbols
in 11. 3 and 7 may well refer to Hetep
There are also probable references to Sopdite
priests (iv'b hr si) in two documents on PI. xxi.,
11. 2, 28.
I. 2. mlt n, " copy of," see add. note to
viii. 44.
P. 21 (note to w'rt). In the time of Rekhmara
the tp rsi extended from Elephantine and Bigeh
to Thebes (Rekhmara, v. 4), but perhaps not
from Koptos to Siut (I.e. vi. 4), though this
also was under the jurisdiction of the mr nt
t;t n nt rst.
I. 4". nmhyt. Maspero considers that this
designation belongs not only to the mother,
but also to three unmarried sisters, as being
supported by the guild during Senefru's
I. 9. hr; cf. Antef-decree, Koptos, viii., 1. 10,
where the disability to hold his former office
extends to " the hr (family) of the father and
mother" of the deposed prince.
h' n t't. For the proceedings in this court
cf. especially Rekhmara, Pis. ii.-vi.
I. 25. ss n sdm. Cf. Sh., Eg. Ins., i., 83,
where Sa'Mentu rises from being ss v
^/wv ^ (which perhaps explains hnti
here, in 1. 25), after occupying two inter-
mediate positions, to be ss n hnt <>-=>. Spiegel-
berg quotes SS n sdm Imny, from an
unpublished stela of the Louvre, and attributes
to sdm its technical meaning of "trying" or
"trial." Cf. Spiegelbeeg, RecMswesen, p. 127,
Anmerh., 394, and below, additional note to
PL xxxix., 1. 10.
PI. X., I. 3. mr snt; cf. Rekhmara, ii. 4,
iii. 25, x. 24.
I. 6". Spiegelberg brilliantly identifies ntt m iw
with ^ Nv @ ^ °f Pap- Abb., ii., 15, and
translates " deceased " here and in PI. xi., 1. 2.
In the present case read, therefore, "bore to
him, who is dead : the daughter of," &c.
I. 24a. Translate " was found had been in-
flicted losses by death (?) unto him (wd >'w rf),
by comparison with," &c.
PL XL, I. 2. "Usertesen, who is dead."
I. 4. Instead of hr pr we must probably read
P ^ ^fj as the mother's name.
/. 16. In the time of Rekhmara every vmt pr
was sealed by the tvazir (Rekhmara, iii., 19).
I. 22. Jcnbt'i n w; cf. Rekhmara, iii., 19, 24-5,
v., 2.
PI. XII., I. 1. For the first title cf. the re-
markable plural form Q ^^^(reading sd>wtiw(?),
Crum, A. Z., 1894, 66), hfiw lb in Rekhmara,
iii., 33.
or wazir's court held temporarily at Ankh
Usertesen. It is certain that they were found
near the citadel of the town. The two letters
on PI. xxix. seem addressed from the Arabian
nome, perhaps to Kahun. The " ha of the
king," whose favour is desired in the second
letter on PI. xxix. (1. 43), may be the dead
king at Hetep Usertesen; and Lab, to whom
this letter was written, may well be the
" scribe of Hetep Usertesen and Ankh User-
tesen, Pab" (above, p. 88, seals in Illahun).
But that there was a connexion of the
Sopdite family with the royal cities in
Middle Egypt in the reign of Amenemhat III.
seems indicated by the names of Ahy (cf.
Ahy in Pis. xii., xiii.) and SaVusersepdu in
Pap. VI. 14 (PI. xiv., 1. 64), a document which
.must be attributed to that date. Also, in
PI. xii., 1. 5, there is a reference to the
registration (?) of a Sopdite deed by a southern
official in the same reign. It is not clear,
however, that the Sopdite family migrated
bodily to Kahun; even in the latest of the
documents on PI. ix. there is much reference
to Lower Egypt, though the occurrence of
the name Senefru suggests that the child so
named was born in the neighbourhood of
the Medum pyramid, and the red symbols
in 11. 3 and 7 may well refer to Hetep
There are also probable references to Sopdite
priests (iv'b hr si) in two documents on PI. xxi.,
11. 2, 28.
I. 2. mlt n, " copy of," see add. note to
viii. 44.
P. 21 (note to w'rt). In the time of Rekhmara
the tp rsi extended from Elephantine and Bigeh
to Thebes (Rekhmara, v. 4), but perhaps not
from Koptos to Siut (I.e. vi. 4), though this
also was under the jurisdiction of the mr nt
t;t n nt rst.
I. 4". nmhyt. Maspero considers that this
designation belongs not only to the mother,
but also to three unmarried sisters, as being
supported by the guild during Senefru's
I. 9. hr; cf. Antef-decree, Koptos, viii., 1. 10,
where the disability to hold his former office
extends to " the hr (family) of the father and
mother" of the deposed prince.
h' n t't. For the proceedings in this court
cf. especially Rekhmara, Pis. ii.-vi.
I. 25. ss n sdm. Cf. Sh., Eg. Ins., i., 83,
where Sa'Mentu rises from being ss v
^/wv ^ (which perhaps explains hnti
here, in 1. 25), after occupying two inter-
mediate positions, to be ss n hnt <>-=>. Spiegel-
berg quotes SS n sdm Imny, from an
unpublished stela of the Louvre, and attributes
to sdm its technical meaning of "trying" or
"trial." Cf. Spiegelbeeg, RecMswesen, p. 127,
Anmerh., 394, and below, additional note to
PL xxxix., 1. 10.
PI. X., I. 3. mr snt; cf. Rekhmara, ii. 4,
iii. 25, x. 24.
I. 6". Spiegelberg brilliantly identifies ntt m iw
with ^ Nv @ ^ °f Pap- Abb., ii., 15, and
translates " deceased " here and in PI. xi., 1. 2.
In the present case read, therefore, "bore to
him, who is dead : the daughter of," &c.
I. 24a. Translate " was found had been in-
flicted losses by death (?) unto him (wd >'w rf),
by comparison with," &c.
PL XL, I. 2. "Usertesen, who is dead."
I. 4. Instead of hr pr we must probably read
P ^ ^fj as the mother's name.
/. 16. In the time of Rekhmara every vmt pr
was sealed by the tvazir (Rekhmara, iii., 19).
I. 22. Jcnbt'i n w; cf. Rekhmara, iii., 19, 24-5,
v., 2.
PI. XII., I. 1. For the first title cf. the re-
markable plural form Q ^^^(reading sd>wtiw(?),
Crum, A. Z., 1894, 66), hfiw lb in Rekhmara,
iii., 33.