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reading wc; perhaps r* is one word, cf. PI. i.,
1. 3.

I. 12. cf. Rekhmara, iii., 25; Smendes

i A/WV\A

Stela, 1. 5 (Jfcc. Trav., x., 136); OsorkonlL,
y/oot/ graffito, 1. 3 (Sec. tie Trav., xviii., 181),
where Daressy also translates " digue."

wdnio probably " sweeping flood," " inunda-
tion." Cf. Br., Wtb., Suppl. 374, Berl. Pap., ii.,
101, 143-4, 156.

I. 14. hndr, mdr (1. 19); cf. Pyr. N., 11. 741-2.
In Todtb., cc. 65, 108, 130, 149 (edd. Nav. and
Budge), the group Q, ^ j!j 0^

occurs. Though in some cases it seems to
be two words, m dri, this must be due to
corruption, for no such word as dri with det.
f: occurs, except with m ; cf. also Rekhmara,
x., 6. Is it connected with the root of DH^a?
hndr is very remarkable; the peculiar forms
may indicate an exotic.

sptJir. Are they here "spikes"? In Pyr.
snbt is determined by a bank with chevaux de
/rise. As Maspero remarks, these fortifications
of Goshen may well be the Inbw Hk> of Sanehat,
1. 17.

/. 15. §'S. Can it be connected with h?h,
" swift" ?

I. 17. s'tt, fem. adj. from sit, " season of
garden fruits," " autumn " : " an autumnal
shade, cool in the harvest (summer) season."

I. 18. One would expect sw, "dry."

PI. III., I. 5. hsr snw, also L. D., iii., 18,
1. 13.

/. 8. Better " he hath abolished robbery "

/. 14. s>w, " saviour," " guardian," in the
literal sense.

I. 30. s>; perhaps the word for "beware"
with 7i attached, i.e. " away with you "; but
cf. San., 1. 151.

I. 32. Perhaps rh me'\, " converse with me."

ch>tw followed by prohibitive m, a strong
prohibition, lit. " opposition must be made, do
not ... " ; cf. Pap. Prisse, vii. 4, ix. 9, xviii. 8.

In Prisse, x. 1, 'hH is followed by a prepositional
construction with hr.

I. 33. hr kd used absolutely seems to mean
"by nature," "naturally," and in prescriptions
"to a natural, or reasonable, extent."

Pis. V.-VII. Reviewed by Maspero, Journal
des Savants, Avril 1897, pp. 212 et seqq.

PI. V. For the nature of the disorders here
treated see Masp., I.e.

1. 1. ss>; perhaps " practice," " method," the
root meaning " to be practised in," " exercised
in," " acquainted with."

Z. 2. ^*|° perhaps reads hmt. Spiegelberg

considers that = ^~^[ <f.

1. 4. gnw, " bee-eater," Merops. In Pap. Pb.,
xcvii. 21, its fat is prescribed against flies. In
the pictures at Beni Hasan {B. H. II., Pis. iv.,
vi., xvi.) it is very badly rendered ; the long
central tail feathers are not shown, and the
colouring is bad, especially in Bos., M. C, ix. 3
(= B. PL. II., PL iv.), where it is white instead
of green. On the other band, the swrtw, asso-
ciated with the gnw, is clearly the allied
" Roller," Goracias garrula, marked by its blue
shoulder; see the same plates and Ros., M. C,
x. 9 (= B. H. II., PI. iv.). In Ros., M. C, viii.,
figs. 7, 8 ( = B. H. II., xvi.), the names sivrtw
and gnw have been transposed by the modern
copyist, but the colouring is valuable.

I. 5. -=$=* ^ (cf. Hieroglyphs, p. 37), so also in
1. 29.

I. 9. w>b, det. by (q in Siut, Tomb hi., 1. 13,
where "from his roots" seems to mean "from
his earliest age."

I. 15. Restore wb> (?).

/. 19. h>l> occurs in the Theban star-tables,
L. I)., iii., 228 and 22S Us, 20, 1. 9.

I. 21. Read (?). tlie hieratic si^n being;
like that for hsb, though different from the
det, O.

I. 25. cm% rightly " boue" (Masp.). Cf.