Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Chap, li.]




Leave Kara Agatch—Plague—Contagion—Ak Hissar—Lake of Egerdir—Sangerli
—Borlou—Plain of Kara Asian—Olou Borlou, anc. Apollonia—- Cliapali—
Plain of Dombai Ova—Su Baslii, anc. Sylbium—Maeauder—Deenair—Ishekli.

We were detained some hours at Kara Agatch * while the
horses of the Menzil were being shod, during which time
I rested in a shady garden full of excellent grapes and va-
rious kinds of plums. At half-past two I started, under a
most oppressive heat, for Olou Borlou, a road which I
adopted as the shortest, and in order to fix the position of
Apollonia, and the north end of the lake of Egerdir. It
was indeed melancholy, in passing through this rich and
well-cultivated country, to see such tracts of corn left with-
out an owner to reap them, or to carry the crops, or to
thresh them out, abandoned, as it were, xuveo-o-iv oiuvoial te
w£cri. Outside the town, as well as at the neighbouring
village of Moudourah, great heaps of corn had been col-
lected on the different threshing-floors (Harman) around
the place, but with scarcely a soul to work at them; many,
indeed, were quite deserted; at others perhaps a single
boy, or an infirm old man (it was a rare occurrence to see
two together), was plodding through all the various opera-
tions of husbandry by himself. In many cases I heard that
even the beasts had perished in the stables of hunger and
thirst, because, the owners being dead, there was no one
to let them loose to shift for themselves.

A high range of hills still continued on the left, sepa-

t The following distances from Kara Agatch were given me by the Menzilji:—


To Olou Borlou.....20



Ak Sheher.....8
