Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Reisen zu Wasser und zu Land
Vancouver, G., Reisen nach d. nördl. Teile d. Südsee 1790—95. Übers, v.
J. F. W. Herbst. 2 Bde. M. 2 Kupfer u. 1 mehrf. gefalt. Karte. Berl. 1799
bis 1800. Pappbde. 20.—
Webber, James, views in the South Seas from drawings by the late
James Webber, draftsman on board the „Resolution“, captain James
Cooke, from the year 1776—80. With letterpress description of the
various scenery. 16 very fine old coloured aquatinta p 1 a -
t e s. Royal-fol. London, Boydell <2 Co., 1808. Half-calf. 200.—
Lowndes X, 2862. Nagler XXIV, 4.
A magnificent o o p y in faultless conditio n. The views com-
prise: Queen Charlotte’s Sound, New Zealand — Boats of the Friendly Islands —
Canoe of Otahaite — Plantain Tree — View in Oheitepeha Bay, Otaheite — Chief of
Oheitepeha lying in state — Harbour of Taloo, Eimeo — Toopapaoo of a Chief —
„Resolution“ breaking through the i c e with the „Diseovery“ in the distance in
danger — Narta or sledge for bürdens in Kamtschatka — Balagans or Summer Habi-
tatlon, Kamtschatka — View of Macao (2 plates) — Island of Pulo Condore — Island
of Cracatoa — Fa Palm, Island of Cracatoa.
White, J., journal of a voyage to New South Wales. With 65 copper-
engravings. 4. London 1790. Hf.-calf. 50.—
—• journal of a voyage to New South Wales. W. 65 coloured pla-
tes. 4. Lond. 1790. Contemp. calf. 90.—
— Tagebuch einer Reise nach Neu-Süd-Wallis. M. 1 Karte u. 4 Taf. —
B 1 i g h , W., Bericht von dem Aufruhr an Bord des Schiffs Bounty. —
Unternehmungen der Gesellschaft zur Beförderung der Entdek-
kungen im Innern v. Afrika. M. 1 gefalt. Taf. — R. N o r r i s, Reise nach
dem Hoflager des Königs von Dahomey Bossa Ahadi 1772. Berlin 1791.
Hfrzbd. 15.—
— voyage ä la Nouvelle Galles du Sud, ä Botany-Bay, au Port Jackson,
en 1787—89. Trad. p. Ch. Pougens. Ed. II. 2 parties en 1 vol. Av.
2 planches gravees. Paris 1798. Hlwdbd. 10.—
— resa till Nya Holland aren 1787—88, i sammandrag af S. Ödmann.
Med 4 Tabler. Upsala 1793. XII, 148 pp. Bds. 120.—
There is also an appendix entitled: Utdrag af Capt. J. Cook’s dag-bok hallen
under dess Segling vid Nya Hollands Kust, ar 1770.
The 4 plates are illustrating weapons, implements, customs and boats of the
natives of Australia.
Bound together with: „Berättelse om angelska skeppets Grosvenors strandning pa
Africas östra Kust ar 1782. Upsala 1794.“ A rare Swedish translation of the narrative
of the loss of the East-Indiaman Grosvenor, Capt. John Coxon, transl. from the
German by S. Ödmann. 4 11., 86 pp.
Wilson, H., relation des iles Pelew, situees dans la partie occident. de
l’Ocean Pacifique. Trad. de l’Angl. de G. Keate (et revue p. le comte
Mirabeau). 2 vol. Av. 17 portr., pl. et cartes. Paris 1788. Pappbde. 10.—
Erste, französ. Ausgabe in -8. — Das Portr. am Rande etw. beschädigt.
(—) missionary voyage to the Southern Pacific Ocean performed in 1796
to 98 in the ship Duff, commanded by Capt. J. Wilson, with discourse on
the geography and hist, of the South Sea Islands, natural a. civil state of
Otaheite etc. W. 13 views, maps and charts. 4. Lond. 1799. Hf.-calf. 50.—
Sabin 49 480.
—• Missions-Reise in d. südl. stille Meer, 1796—98. M. 2 Kupfern u.
1 Karte. Wien 1801. Pappbd. 10.—
9. Polarländer
Back, G., Reise durch Nord-Amerika bis z. Mündung d. gross. Fisch-
flusses u. an d. Küsten d. Polarmeeres 1833—35. Übers, v. K. Andree.
M. 1 Taf. Lpzg. 1836. Hldrbd. — Sabin 2615. 10.—

Karl W. Hiersemann, Leipzig, Königstraße 29. Katalog 633