Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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5. Asien

Dezoteux, P. M. F. — Bo u r go in g, j. Fr., voyage du duc du Chatelet
en Portugal (av. details sur M. de Pombal etc.). 2 vols. Av. carte et pl.
Par. 1798. — Foulche-Delbosc 175 A. 10.—
—-2" ed. 2 vols. Av. carte pliee et 1 vue. Paris, an IX (1801).
D.-bas, dos d. 9.—
Foulche-Delbosc 175B. — Un chapitre traite du B r e s i 1. Non chez Sabin et
Doblado, L., Briefe a. Spanien. Übers, v. E. L. Domeier, geb. Gad. Hamb.
1824. Hldrbd. 5.—
Drake, Fr. — Norris, John, ephemeris expeditionis Norreysij et Draki
in Lusitaniam. Sm. 4 to. Londini, impensis Thomae Woodcocke, apud
signum Vrsi nigri. 1589. Eighteenth Century calf with double line fillet
border, back gilt. 520.—
J. Carter Brown Cat. I, 320. Pollard-Redgrave 18 653. Title, 34 pp. — V er y rare.
Original Latin edition which appeared in the same year as the English
version, it being diflicult to decide which of the two was printed earlier. The English
version has been reprinted entire by Collier.
In 1589 (the year following the Armada) Norris and Drake undertook an expedition
against Spain and Portugal, during which Corunna was plundered and Vigo burnt
down. The present tract deals with all the details, from the landing of the troops
up to the retum of the expedition at the beginning of July 1589. Though no Ame-
ricanum in the proper sense of the word, the booklet is nevertheless of American
interest as dealing with the great Englsh circumnavigator Sir Francis Drake, once the
„Dragon“ of the West Indian waters.
Insignificant repairs on the blank bottom margin of the last leaves, otherwise a
very well preserved copy.
Fischer, Chr. A., Heise v. Amsterdam über Madrid u. Cadiz nach Genua
1797—98. Nebst e. Anhänge über d. Reisen in Spanien. 12. Berlin 1799.
Hldrbd. — Hayn-Gotendorf II, 269. Foulche-Delbosc 212 A. 6.—
Fita, F., y A. Fernandez-Guerra, recuerdos de un viaje ä Santiago de
Galicia. C. 31 grab. 4. Madr. 1880. Lwdbd. 8.—
Heeringen, G. v., meine Reise nach Portugal 1836. 2 Tie. Leipz. 1838. 5.—
(Ludwig Salvator, Erzherzog), Alboran. M. 2 färb. Karten u. vielen Taf.
4. Prag 1898. Orig.-Lwdbd. 10.—
(—) Porto Pi in d. Bucht v. Palma de Mallorca. M. 8 Taf. u. 2 Plänen.
Prag 1914. Orig.-Lwdbd. —< Nicht im Handel. 12.—
Passarge, L., aus d. heutigen Spanien u. Portugal. 2 Bde. in 1. Leipz. 1884.
Hlwdbde. 5.—
Texier, J. P., Reise durch Spanien u. Portugal u. von da nach England.
Hrsg. v. L. Koch. 1. (einz.) Abt. Hamm 1825. Hldrbd. 6.—
Twiss, R., voyage en Portugal et en Espagne fait en 1772 et 1773. Av.
vign., 1 carte et 1 planche. Berne 1776. 8.—
Volkmann, J. J., neueste Reisen durch Spanien vorzüglich in Ansehung d.
Künste, Handlung, Oekonomie u. Manufakturen. 2 Bde. M. 1 Karte. Leipz.
1785. Hldrbde. m. Rückenvergold. — Foulche-Delbosc 191. 8.—

5. Asien
a) Allgemeines
Barros, J. de, decada primeira, (segunda e terceira) da Asia: dos feitos
que os Portugueses fezeräo no descobrimento e conquista dos mares e
terras do Oriente. 3 vols. 4. Lisboa, J. Rodriguez, 1628. Alte Ldrbde. m.
Rücken- u. Stehkantenvergoldg. (Rücken beschäd.). 120.—

Karl W. Hiersemann, Leipzig, Königstraße 29. Katalog 633