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Reisen zu Wasser und zu Land
1. Allgemeines. Entdeckungsgeschichte
1 Bayle, P., dictionaire hist, et crit. 2ae ed. revue, corr. et augm. 3 vol. In-
tel. Rotterdam 1702. Veau anc. 20.—
2 -3e ed. 4 vols. en 2. Av. 4 vign. s. les titres (repetees). In-fol. Rotter-
dam, Mich. Bohm, 1720. D.-veau anc. 40.—
Excmplaire bien complet de 1’Spüre dödicatoire au duc d’Orleans et du double
article pour David dont Tun manque souvent.
3 -3e ed. 4 vol. Rotterd. 1720. — (P h. L. J oly), remarques critiques
s. le dict. de B. 2 vol. Paris 1748. Ens. 6 vol. veau et d.-veau. 60.—
4 — general dictionary, historical and critical. Transl. and ed. by Bernard,
Birch, Lockman & Sale. 10 vols. Fol. London 1734—41. Old calf (dam.
backs). 40.—
4a Bergomensis, J. Ph., supplementum supplementi delle croniche del träte
Jacobo Philippo ... con la gionta ultima del 1540 ins. al 1552. C. tit. inc. e
molte incis. in testo. In-4. Venetia, per Bartolomeo detto l’Imperadore e
Francesco suo genero, 1553. Biegsamer Pgtbd. d. Zt. 120.—
Sabin II, 517 (Ausg. 1524). — Very rare edition of this high-int er-
es t i n g world-chronicle; with a beautiful title-border and 158 fine wood-
cuts in the text (views(. Cont. a. o. also a very curious deseription of the discovery
of America by Chr. Colomb.
Sligthly stained copy, with inexact pagination.
5 Berthaut, L., les vainqueurs de la mer. Hist, gener. de la marine. Av. 130
illustr. Paris (1912). 4.—
6 Bettencourt, E. A. de, descobrumentos, guerras e conquistas dos portu-
guezes em terras do Ultramar nos seculos XV e XVI. C. 3 cart. geogr. 4.
Lisboa 1881—82. Hldrbd. ‘ 48.—
Durchgehend lithographiert, m. Titel- u. Textbordüren. In geringer Aufl. hergestellt.
6a Botero, G., le relationi universali, 4 parts in 1 vol. With 4 double-page
copper-plate maps. Venetia, G. Angelieri, 1596. H.-leather. 50.—
Streit, bibl. miss. I, p. 94, no. 215. Not in Sabin and J. Carter Brown Cat. Sligthly
6b-Venetia, G. Angelieri, 1600. Leg. pergam. dell’epoca. 40.—
Streit, bibl. miss. I, p. 116, no. 241. Not in Sabin and J. Carter Brown Cat. Sligthly
damp-stained. Title and 4 11. little wormed.

Karl W. Hiersemann, Leipzig, Königstraße 29. Katalog 633
