Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1953

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May 3, l!)f>3

iMmnUuu.n O.imc'e



(From Our Special Representative)
Darjeeling, April 30
Darjeeling, the Queen
of Hill Stations, had not
seen a Circus Performance
for 15 years, and the
authorities must be con*
grulated for permiting a
('irons show to be run in
the town after the lapse
of so manv years.

Apart from the enter-
tainment provided by the.
artistes of the-Circus the
educational value of the
show cannot be overrated.

Hundreds of people inrlu-
dinc v8t:liool chihlvvfh have’been
gathering at (ho tent to lmve.
a look at t he Klephanls,.; Camels,
Lions and otner animals which
they had probably not seen
before except ofeourse in
e'.nomas, and thery is no dou.bt/
that the impression, .that they,
will form a ill be of great infor-
mative value in their practk'al
lives. It is hopod that all,
institution's, will extend, their
co-operation to the Management
of tlie Circus so that Darjeeling'
may have annual visits of such
delightful and instructive enter-

Ciiarteris Hospital
■( Continued frontpage 3)
hourly Cinema shows, .and
lus beautiful films were
much appreciated

When accounts aio
made up add all promised
donations are seal in, it
is expected that the hos-
pital will benefit bv about
Rs.OjOOO'-. The Hospital
staff wish to thank all
friends and supporters who


(Continued from page .5)

copcernod, it is stated that the present exchange rftte
between the Indian Rupee and the Chinese Yuan is
— Rupee one equal to 51 (50 Yuans.

Agencies for Registration

Depositors have to file clairtis.-before the 20th May,
1053. The following authorities have been designated

for registering the claims:
Bank etc with . whom amount

Central • Bank, Chinese
Farmers’ Bank, (’enlrad;
- Trust Central Savings So-
ciety, Central Co operative .
'Treasury and the various
Provincial, Municipal Hsien

The Bank of’China, 'The,
Bank of Communica.lipris,.
Postal Savings and Remit-
■ tance Bureau.

• .'Private ■ ! Banks and
Money >hops,, Trust .Com*
pany Foreign Bapks, The
International Saving Socie-
ty, Banks and Money-
Shops which have -suspen-
ded. business for liquida-

Depositors are req iired
t.o give the following par-
ticulars in their, applica-
tions for t e registration
of claims :

(I) Place of deposit ;
(II) Date of Deposit : (III )
Serial number of deposit:
(IV) Name of depositor ;

came to their parly, and
helped to make the Dia-

Registering authority

Tire, office of the Chinese
People’s Bank at the
place of 'deposit. ,

The. Bank or Bureau in
;question at the place of

The Bank of Money-Shop
in question or liquidation

(V) Amount of deposit •
(VE) Kin 1 of deposit (whe-
ther Fixed Deposits, Cur-
rent Deposits and other
kinds of Savings) : (VII)
Address-present and pre-
vious - of depositor ; and
(\r III) Occupation-present
and previous-of depositor.

mond Jubilee Day such
a success

Modern Radio is highly technical. It pays to deal with Radio Engineers : Darjeeling Radio Co.