Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1953

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June 7, 1953 ’

jfji.mnU uau Sii't.fs



Kalimpong, Juno 2
The first election to tho 17 mem-
ber Sikkim State Council which began
on 30th March last curled, peacefully on
the 23rd of May and results of all the
constituencies have been announced. '1 he
twelve elected seats which were to lie
filled by tbefli0(>70 voters spread over
the whole of Sikkim with a mixed popn
lalion of 1,37,(j00 Bhulias, Lepciia-ami
Nepalese etc have been equal!) shared
by the two major political parties 61
the St,ite-th-> Sikkim State Congress ami
the Sikkim .National lloriv the remaining
five seats being reserved to bo filled, bv
nomination by His Highness. The Maha-
raja of Sikkim in his discretion. All;
the elected memb rs of tlie Sikkim Stale
Congress arf> Mkkini Nepate.-e, the other
six elected on Nationalist Party ticket
being Bcpcha-Bhutias,

According' to reports available
39.45°,V. of the vo'ers exercised their
franchise. . . - : ’ U

The Sikkim Stato Congress -is pled-
ged to acknowledge the Maharaja . as
the constitutional had' of the State
and besides aiming at establishing mul-
tipurpose Co-sip' ri.tive societies and Banks
ah over Sikkim it .protni-s full political
and c.’li:*nthip rights to Indian ■ r-nf-ts
settled in Sikkim. The Nationalist
pi.rt v proposes to approach the G.ovetn
ment of India for sucli help as lias
been extended to Kashmir and (lie
tpibal Areas of*Assam arid would also
seek foreign aidlhrough the Government
of India win re ever possible.

His Highness the Maharaja has
not yet named tho nominated members
and no date h^s yet been fixed for the
inauguration at the Council for which a
very beautiful 'COUNCIL HOUSE’ has
been constructed in oriental design.

Slate Congt ess Elected Members :.
Adhik Lai Pradhan Kims Kara,van Pra-
dhan, Kashiraj Pradi an, Jai Narayan
Sapkota, t>han Bahadur Cltfruug and
Nakul Pradhan. Nationalist Party Elected
Members :- Chhodup Lepoha, Netaik
Bliutia, Sonam Tshering Bhutia, Dathup
fShulia. Kun/.ang Hahg.iy Ivr.xi and Sonant
Wangchuk Kazi


li.ttt fKHKINfU IN!). SCiltlOf, iN.


Applications are invited from boy9
•below 20 years on .September 1. 1953,

for admission in (ij two-year course lor
Genera! Mechanics ii) three.year course
for Motor Mechanics • (iii) thrce;yertr
course for Electricians in tho Darjeeling
Industrial School and Workshop, Tung
(Darjeeling). The courses include profe-
ssional practice, besides basic training
in theory and practice. No 'tuition fee
is Charged and hostel facilities may be
provided to.the extent available at Tung;
the- students will have to make their
own messing arrangements. A few sti-
pends are awarded .to deserving, candidates.
Admission qualifications :-. Applicants
niitst- have appeared at the School Final
Examination or its equivalent and must
bem dieallv Jit. Preference will he given
to the inhabitants of Darjeeling Dt. and
to the Sphednl d Tr.hes. The next
session begins in September, 1953. A{>fjli-
cati ms in tho prescribed form, available
('■pm the Superintendent if the School,
must 'each him by June 30, 953.

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