Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1953

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November 29, 1953

ifinnahiiuin Emu-*

: Five


Kalimpong. November 27

The following letter has been addressed to the
Chiaf Electrical Engineer, Calcutta by the residents of


That the supplies of
the Company is very un-
satisfactory and even the
charges are exhorbitant
and perhaps the highest
in India, being As. -/8/- '
per unit besides fuel and
surplus charges

That we understand
that you were pleased to
make reference about this
unsatisfactory supply for
opinion of the Kalimpong
Municipality- and thev
have also addressed to
different organisations in-
viting openions and they
have also been satisfied
with the openions expre-
ssed by such organisa-
tions about the unsatis-
factory nature of service
of this Company.

That the Kalimpong.
Municipal area v ilh growth
of the town and . small
• scale industries, grinding
machines. X ray machines
etc. dp require whole time
energies but even . the
restricted hours of supplies
are very unsatisfactory
and. so, caiise a good deal
of inconvenience to the

That perhaps the
monopoly .and licence'
issued to this Company

We, representing the
Consumers and the Resi-
dents within the Kalim-
pong Municipality, beg to
place the following facts
for your kind considera-
tion and neccessary aotion:-

The Kalimpong Elec-
tric Supply Co., Ltd had
been giving < nergies during
restricted hours even at
nights which they did not
extend for whole night
and whole day inspite of
demand of the Consumers.

That during this De-
wali they failed totally
to supply energies to any
of the houses except in a
small portion of ' the
Municipality and as such
the Consumers were placed
to serious inconveniences.
It may be menVoned
here that the Consumers
had not^increased th<- load
to such au extend ns to.
cause the Company to
discontinue supplies. ’

That seveial verbal
and telephonic represen-,
tations were made and at
last the Eugineer-in-Charge
did agree to supply the
10 houses with energies in
the night of Rewali bet-
ween 12 0 P.M. and 5 A.M.

is being misused against
the interest of the public
consumers and 'we feel
that there is no reason
as to why the authorities
should not now make en-
quiry on the spot and
redress the greivances. If
the Company is unable to
give satisfactory service
we believe tbe authorities •
issuing the licence should
cancel the' same and the
Government should take
up the Concern as %as
been done at Ivurseong.

We Would therefore-
request yo..u . to please
direct an immediate and
impartial enquiry and after
hearing the Consumers’
Representatives do take,
steps to.improve the posi-
tion if necessary, by even
taking drastic action as
the Consumers do not like 1
that an unsat slactory
service, be allowed to
continue to operate for
.all .time to conie. ,

Ah ’early -'action is
solicited :


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