Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1954

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"Sjinudmjaii <J,imt»

January 10, 195-}

Uiittalanait (times

Kalimpcmg, January 10, lVai


Tlie decision of the
Union Government to 'libe-
ralise'' its import policy
in respect of 22 items
including safety razor Wades,
essential oils, drugs and
medicines is to-be welcomed.
Restrictions on the import
of these commodities had
resulted in high prices en-
couraging smuggling from
across the border; 'vhere
prices are low, an,d black-
markatitig. Rigidity in cus-
tom rules enlorced recently
had made these commodi-
ties' scarce "causing much
inconvenience to consumers.
Liberalisation of policy in
regar-d to these items' deno- .
~tes -a realistic approach to
popular needs.


It is understood that
the Prime Minister, favours
closed high collar coals' and
trousers- as '.working ..dress
lor the ofhoers of the. Go-
vernment- of India. .He is
said to have' addressed a
letter in ;tli"is -connection to
the President, and -■ central
ministers and discussed" the
different kinds of dress' that
are prevalent, their' utility,
and "cost. Uniformity in"
■ dress would, he quite de'si- -,
rable if in prescribing tie.


compulsory wearing of such
-dress there is no great
hardship on the purse of
the wearers. •* .


The Government of
West Bengal in the Tribal
Welfare Department have
sanctioned the payment
of a grant of Rs. 5,000'-
to the Rentral Provincial
Depre9»p(! Classes League,
12. Arpuli Lane, Calcutta,
for starting one library and
for grant of books and
stipends to the poor stu-
dents belonging to Back-
ward Classes.

officer beforehand without
which tender forms will
not be issued to them.
Attested copies of Incomo
and Sale Tax clearance
certificates or in their
absence, documents to
prevo that such Taxes
were paid upto-da'c, must
be produced alone with
tenders. Particulars ' can
be, seen in the aforesaid
-offteo and. in the office of
the Superintending Engi-
neer Northern Circle, at
j:alpaiguri) during working
ihours on weekdays.


The Executive Engineer.
Darjeeling Division, Works
A Buildings Department,
invites separate sealed
tenderi in B F. No. 2911,
from enlioted Classes 1
and II contractor! and
combination of Claspes 111
& IV* contractors of this
Department, as per rules,
as well as from reliable
outside contractors, for
the following works , with
Estimated cost and Ear-
nest money, shown against
each:—(I) Permanent Res-
toration of demages' by
monsoon of 1950 to Na-
tional Highway 31-A, in
the Kith mile 1st Qr. of
Tocsta- Valley Road (sin-
king area) Rs. 35,700/-,
Rs. 7l4/-; 12) Permanent
Restoration of damages
by monsocn of 1950 to
National Highway 31-A,
in the 19th mile 2nd Qr
of leesta Valley Road
Rs. '42,800/-, Rs- 856/-.
Tenders will be received
npto 3 P. M. of Januury
12, 1954. Earnest money,
deposited either in (a>
Treasnr'v or Reservo Rank
Chilians or (b) in Pledged
Govt. Security or Narrow*)
Savings Certificates or Post
Olfice . Savings Bank
Accounts, must accom-
pany each tender without
which tenders will not be
considered. Outside con-
tractors must prove their
bonsfides and financial
resources to the aforesaid

FOR EFFICIENCY & SERVICE.: Consult Darjeeling Radio Co , Darjeeling