Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1954

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S;ir„lBu«n ffimf > January 10, IBM

KESAR of LING-Legendary Hero of Ancient Tibet (

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1 " ' From Talm and l-tuendi. of <>M TiM

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King Kcur Ket'jrni to Ling as u poor pilgrim. TJW Now, th>-. was f»!»*

Much perturbed by ' boy was quite unsuspicious aud only one . of many

oil that ho had heard at. the sight of a holy attempts that Todong

.•from Gyatza, Kesar con- lama, a naljbrpa (ascetic), made to obtain the kingship

tinned on his way towards who carried all that Was of Lint;. Very bitter he

Ling deeply distressed at necessary for celebrating felt when Singlen' came

destruction he n ted and the rite" of Chod. There ba< k at last, during Kesnr*8

the many chortens. The were not many who cared ah-enee in the North Coun-

lirst person he met was a to undertake ,,(his ritual try but taking advantage

small boy (the son qf which needed meditation of his position a* chief,

Gyatza) who was busily and. the celebration of the under Ilor, he ill-Treated

skinning a freshly killed rite in one hundred and Ninglen using the o'd man

goat. Liking tjje child's te ght cemeteries aud other for the meanest woik.

countenance, he tested his . terrible places So, when 'This angered Kesar

courage by taking the the lama. begged food of greatly, and. when he saw

shape of the demon king. him, the boy was generous old Singles hard at work

The boy was unafraid and in the giving of gnat meat in the plains, he went to

tried to kill the demon and Kesar wont on his him in the gube of a

shape, thinking it was Ray well pleased. high-born chief aeeompa-

only justice as ho suppo- Meanwhile things were nied by a retinue oftulku

sed it had destroyed King going very badly in Ling (phantom) servants. Thc.-e

Kesar Indeed the boy's .for Todong had never having boiled tea, Kesar

arrow passed so near that' f irepttcn his loss' of the called put to the oh! man

Kesar,'afraid fox his life, • kinaship and did lushest to come and have a, cup,

quickly reduced his 'vital to wreak revenge on all but Singlen did not have

principle' to the sj/.e of those he thought had his. bowl with him. So

a silk thread. He then slighted h'im, After the he »:u given tea in the

caused[the.phantom shape..' birth of • Kesar Singlen ehi-T's own pborba. When-

to disappear, and made had left his camp for a he recqenised Kesar's bowl,

himself, invisible./ 'the. long and arduous pilgri- Singlen l>ur«t into tears

Hero thought with great mai'e and later* Todong, and a-ked many questions

pleasure-.: ' Now I surely beini! in charge, had told concerning the Hero'. How

k-now this is the s.on of the people that th" cods he laughed and eried when

my dear brother,, bravest Showing favour li his he found out that Kesar

of-the. Mian , of Ling, who' brother, their kinc. h id wa< not dead and was

feared neither god -nor' freed hi.ru from this life actually there before him I

devil" LaW Kesar retur- -and admitted iinglen to lint ho was told, to return

ried appearing this time" a seat in their paradise. to Ling and g ven si riot
